Chapter 10: Complete Mess

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Chapter 10

Complete Mess

Ingo looked on at the mess that was left behind the day before. Emmet had grabbed a bin and began to pick up the heavier trash. The clean up crew was working their butts off, and it showed. But even though they had been cleaning up it was still incredibly horrible.

Incident reports still needed to be filed so that's what Ingo had to do today. It would seem Clarity already had her arms shoulder deep in the resupply closet. He was sure her stock was almost gone after yesterday. He was glad the marshal ordered the tents and supplies or they would be fully out.

At least until he looked into the supply closet. His jaw would have hit the floor if it could.

"Are we that far behind?" He asked looking at Clarity who shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know what was supposed to be in here save for what was currently in there." She walked into one of the side rooms and pulled the towels and clothes from the dryer and started to fold them. "But I can start up a stock report for you."

Ingo pierced the bridge of his nose and nodded. This was going to be a busy day for them.

Clarity picked up the clipboard that Ingo gave to her. There were 8 pages of supplies that she had to go through. Some of which she had no idea were even on the grounds.

"There are suture sets?" She looked inside the area that was supposed to have that sort of thing. There was nothing there. There were a lot of things that were completely missing.

Suddenly Ingo realized why the old man retired. He kept stealing the money they used to get medical supplies. Or selling the supplies for his own greed.

"Where did you get the ones from yesterday?" He asked her, and she pointed to her bag. Ah yes, her own supply. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm going to have to have a talk with Officer Jenny." For a moment he saw the look on her melt, like she had done something wrong and her face went pale. "It would seem our previous doctor wasn't behaving as he should with our stock and money." He told her. She seemed incredibly relieved. Did this sort of thing happen often with her?

Ingo jumped when he heard someone behind him.

"Letter to Ms. Piper!" Ingo looked at the paper held out.

"That's me." Clarity took the letter and glared at it and handed it back to the postmen. "You didn't find me." She told him before going back to work. Ingo looked slightly bothered by this.

"Your parents?" He asked. She nodded as she put the towels into the cabinet, and closed the door.

"Sorry, they're being a bother and sending me letters to my work place." She sighed as she looked into the drawers and began to write all the things she had in them and how many. She realized that she needed so much more.

She ran her fingers over her face as she stood up and handed Ingo the paper.

"That's it?" He looked at it and then at the cabinets she had opened up. Even the small drawers under the exam table. They had drawers?

"Am afraid we're vastly under stocked." She said as she pulled out one of her pokeballs and out came her Aipom. "Come on Po let's go help Emmet clean up." Is this pokemon for cleaning? She was putting things away when they first met.

"This is going to be a long day." He watched as his brother threw a huge rock into a trash can and it fell over. Ingo ran his fingers over his face and went into his office.

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