Chapter 20: Together

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Chapter 20


There was a light tap on the door. Emmet answered it and let the young woman in. Elesa brought over a few bags of groceries for them to use however long they were there.

"Is she doing better?" Elesa asked slowly, looking into the bedroom. Clarity had sweat beading up on her forehead. The setting sun beyond the curtains cast the whole apartment into an orange hue. Ingo looked up from his seat next to the bed.

"Ingo is scared." Emmet whispered so he couldn't hear. Elesa was the one person they could tell secrets to. The woman watched the young lady as she fitfully tossed. Ingo blotted her forehead and sighed. "She tried to jump, we almost lost her before she could talk to us. We didn't know."

Elesa turned to look at him. She hadn't been told what had happened the night before.

"Tell you what?" Elesa asked. Ingo stood up pulling the blanket up a bit again.

"That she's our sister. Apparently when our mother died the baby wasn't as dead as we had thought." Ingo said, walking into the kitchen helping them putting away the food.

"Your...sister?" She asked looking over at Emmet who nodded. "And you believe her?" Both Ingo and Emmet snapped turning to the woman they called friend.

"Why would she lie? What could she possibly gain? She obviously had more money than we do. Noticeably more in the coming future because she's a surgeon." Ingo said as he walked into the bathroom.

"Look, she could very well be getting on your good side to get in good with the manager of transportation." Elesa said, this was possible. "All I'm saying is, test her...she looks nothing like either of you." Emmet looked at his brother and then at Elesa.

"That's because she looks like our mother." Elesa blushed. Technically her father and theirs were really good friends and she was always around them as children, but she hardly saw the mother who was either at work or their house. She hardly saw their mother unless there was a party, or holiday.

Ingo looked down at his newfound sister. He kissed her hand, and nodded. It would be best to get this out of the way because the girl seemed so alone. It would be good for her to have some sort of stable ground.

Emmet left, Claritys bag next to the door so Ingo could use the equipment inside. He was a lot better at taking blood then Emmet anyways.

After 5 minutes Ingo opened the door and held out the small vial to Elesa.

"Make it count. I did not favor harming her." Ingo almost looked threatening to Elesa. Elesa however knew better, this was him just being protective. He was the same way with Emmet. It happened a handful of times when Emmet would be hurt.

"Understood." Elesa put the vial into her purse and left.

Ingo went back over and curled up next to his sister. It was bed time anyways.


A few days later

Clarity found herself warm, not hot like before. But she also felt pretty clammy. That normally meant her fever broke. That was good, and honestly she felt very hungry.

It wasn't until she heard a ding from beyond the room that she actually opened her eyes, feeling someone move away from behind her. The soft pad of his feet as he left the room. She turned over fully expecting to be alone in her bed. At least until she felt someone else put their arm around her.

She gasped, sitting up and looking down at Ingo, she had originally thought that the person getting out of the bed was her Lycanroc. She looked around the room slowly remembering waking up before. Then everything went crashing back into her.

She tried to jump off the balcony. She tried to end her life in a fit of loneliness, sadness, tired, and oh she thought she had killed someone.

Forgiveness for someone who thought themselves a murderer? Didn't Ingo hate her? Wouldn't Emmet hate her too?

"'s okay Clarity. You were out for three whole days. You've only been eating broth. Let's get something else in you." Ingo's voice was so soft when he wanted to be. Which was so strange seeing as he was always seen as the loud one.

Before they could climb out of bed Emmet walked in with a manila envelope. He looked at it and nodded, handing the paper to Ingo.

Ingo read over it, it would seem three times before he put the paper back into the envelope and looked at Emmet who almost looked giddy.

"Did I...uh m-miss something?" oh no she was stuttering again.

"No, it was nothing that you didn't already know. But we now confirmed that you are in fact our sister, and those jerks aren't just lying to you...again." Ingo placed the envelope on her lap. Clarity looked at the envelope without opening it. She looked up at Ingo, he wasn't smiling really, but oh the corners of his mouth were upturned just a little.

"We have a lot of birthdays to make up for." Emmet almost looked happy. Clarity hugged the envelope to her chest as she thought about it. Family...real family, and not just some people pretending to be. She felt the soft squishy stability that was unsure and ungrounded, become more stable and a bit more support to stand on. She felt someone move her hair from her face and push it behind her ear.

"We're here Clarity." Ingo whispered.

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