Chapter 2: Dr. Clarity Piper

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Chapter 2

Dr. Clarity Piper

She didn't need much, just a small box of belongings that she was able to get from her parents house before they got home. She never told them she graduated, she never told them she had gotten a job, and she never told them that she got an apartment. She didn't tell them anything.

Clarity Piper hadn't been abused really, she just felt that her parents tried to micromanage everything she ever did. The only thing they both agreed on was her schooling. She needed to get a doctorate. She needed to make money. Although to them the reason why is so they could retire early.

Clarity agreed she needed to go to college, she needed to take the lead on her life, and she wanted what was best for herself. She had only herself and her three pokemon. She didn't have much of a pokemon journey. She technically lasted six months before she was called back because her father was 'sick and couldn't work' which was a lie. But she came back anyways.

At that point in time she realized that she had been ignoring the words said about her at a whisper, the light verbal jabs about how useless she was, or even worse the jabs at her weight, the bullying about how her hair looked. She looked nothing like either of her parents.

Being alone was the best thing that ever happened to her, it gave her a sense of self and it felt good.

So as she came back she made plans to insure that it happened for real. She wanted to get away from them and forget everything about her past. She didn't want to be used by them.

Clarity sat down on the last car of the train, her head resting against the back window, and she thought of the plans she made for herself. It wasn't hard, or at least her head kept telling her that.

College, home, job, friends. Friends were something she never really had, everytime she tried to have friends something always scared them away and she still had no idea what it was. Even the one boyfriend she had in college disappeared and even the dean had no idea where he went.

'Sunrise Blvd. Next stop Sunrise Blvd.' the female voice said over the PA.

Yup this was her stop. Time to do this.

She stood up and a pokemon next to her joined her by the door just as soon as it opened.

The short walk to the apartments wasn't too eventful. She mentally made a note as to where the closest market was, and the grocery store...was that a theme park!?

Her old home had been in the outskirts of the city so she really didn't know a lot about the city. Save for at a distance she could see the ferris wheel, the buildings, and the mountains beyond.

"Come on Lycanroc." The pokemon stayed next to her. Her hand rested on its back.

It had not been too long after her return that her Rockruff started to act strangely. More concerned then it had been, like it heard something it shouldn't have. Skirting around her parents that would try to kick him aside. Or yell that he needed to be put in his pokeball like it was a kennel. 'Pokemon doesn't need to be out all the time.'

Her Rockruff had evolved the same day she graduated. A new start for both of them.

Clarity kept his pokeball in her pocket, and he never goes inside it ever since she realized that he had been trying to warn her about how horrible her parents were treating her. It was why she began to listen more intently.

The final straw was a month ago when they said they would ring her for every cent they could before...

The elevator dinged which shook her from her thoughts. She could hear the whimper from her service pokemon. He pulled her onto the elevator, she didn't realize that she had started to cry again.

After all this time, every year that passed that she had thought they loved her. Lies, all of it was lies, her life was a lie.

Perhaps it was for the best that she didn't have friends? It'll be better this way, and she'll never be hurt again.

Walking the three doors down from the elevator she pulled out the brand new key that tapped Lycanroc's pokeball.

The room still smelled like brand new paint. It was completely furnished with a small gray couch, and coffee table. A single bedroom with a small twin sized bed and an end table, the kitchen was so small but had enough room for a tiny table with a single chair. A good place to live for a first timer.

Putting her box down she pulled out the six items within. Her diploma, a picture of her with her Lycanroc at the graduation. Even he had a small cap on, Said cap, a frying pan, plates, and a small set of utensils.

"Well this is us now." She set the box down on the kitchen table. She turned to see her Lycanroc looking out into the hallway.


She heard talking so she went out into the hallway. It would be a good idea to introduce herself to her new neighbors. It was good etiquette according to her class.

She looked out into the hallway only to see the two retreating. One talking a bit louder than the other. They looked familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Come on, it's about time to get ready for work." She said to the pokemon who bounded around near the door. Indeed it was time, there first day on the job.

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