Chapter 15: In the Dark

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Chapter 15

In the Dark

Ingo and Emmet sat behind a large table as they looked over the subway's screens. There were so many of them. From one end of the city to the next. Every single traffic camera, every city bank, and even the camera's on businesses, and schools. Each one used by the city to catch criminals.

"But then there was that one last week. A woman thought it would be a good idea to throw her groceries into her truck with the cart!" The security guard was a chatterbox, and Ingo normally got a lot of information from him about things that go on in the subway.

"Oh but what about that cute puppy?" The woman sitting next to him giggled as she rocked back and forth as they fast forwarded through the feeds.

"There!" Emmet jumped forward, scaring them. They obviously forgot why they were looking. "She was taken out of the subway by a few men." Emmet looked at Ingo as he leaned in and narrowed his eyes.

"Is that..." He slowly moved the ball mouse closer looking at the outfits. "Team plasma. Why would they want her?" He looked at Emmet who shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, but we need to get her back. Anything to do with them is a bad thing." Emmet said as he looked down at the service animal who looked concerned for his owner. He had come out of the pokeball fully expecting to see his trainer. She was nowhere to be seen and then he was told she was gone.

"I think it's about time we pay her parents a visit." Ingo looked down at the pokemon. "Can you take us to them?" The pokemon almost looked determined, but also very angry. This spooked Ingo, this service animal knew something was wrong with Claritys parents.


Clarity felt something nudge her. She slowly opened her eyes fully expecting to see her service animal. She looked up to see a man she knew all her life. The man she used to see as her father. He was dressed up in the most recent trends just like her so-called mother. He didn't seem amused that she had fallen asleep, and was still tired from her night of trying to fall asleep in the cold damp basement.

"You have a customer. If you do not behave then you'll find out just what it means to be..." he almost said something horrible, but the basement door opened back up. At least the room didn't look like an evil man's layer even though it was. It actually looked like a doctor's office.

A man with a long beard walked in. He had a biker style jacket on and a wad of cash in his hands. He threw it onto the table and glared at the man before him.

"And you are sure she can do it...properly? Not fuck shit up?" The angry features melted away on the father.

"Of course sir, if you'll sit down we'll go over the many options she can improve upon." He motioned to the seat that was once a dentist's seat, not a surgeons.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" The butch man said as he looked at the girl who recoiled away from her dad who grabbed her forearm and pulled her over.

"As if you have a choice." She didn't want to, she didn't ever want to work for these people. "As if anyone would save you. This is your life now...get used to it." He shoved her into the table and glared at her.

Clarity looked down at the man and pointed to the beard.

"Shave." She demanded. The man looked almost horrified by it. "I can not work when you look like a sheep." She turned away from the man, and went back to her corner and sat down. Her knees drawn up to her chin.

"When did you learn to bark?" The father grabbed her hair and pulled her up to his eye level. Clarity gasped, grabbing his hand. "But you have no bite." He backhanded her into the water pipes. It broke in two spraying her and her father.

"No it's fine, I knew I'd have to...I just didn't think I'd have to right now." The man walked toward the door, snatching up his money and left.

"Do you think this is a joke?" Her father got in her face again. "If you don't start working, you'll not eat." He threw her down on the wet cold ground and turned off the water. "Stay still." He growled as he left the room.

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