Chapter 9: Not Cool

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Chapter 9

Not Cool

The alarm went off as per usual, Clarity turned over and mumbled looking at the clock, it was 6am that meant she got exactly two hours of sleep after the bosses walked her home. She climbed out of bed and into the shower she went in hopes of letting the cold water at least attempt to wake her up.

She heard the front door open a little. "Clarity! Let's go out for breakfast!" Oh guh, why was Emmet so happy all the time, did he ever frown? She climbed out of the shower and pulled on her usual clothing. She left her bag at work because it needed to be refilled with supplies.

Everything that happened the day before came thundering back to her. All those bodies were bleeding before her. She swallowed back the bile that threatened to come up.

"Coming." She ran out of the bathroom running a brush through her hair. Putting it into a bun and throwing the brush behind her onto the flowery couch. Her pokeballs clicked each other as she did.

"No Lycanroc today?" Ingo asked as she ran into the elevator. She patted her hip.

"He's tired, I figured let him sleep. He was helping them look for people in the wreck yesterday." Ah, his job was finally revealed. A search and rescue pokemon.

"Did you sleep well?" Emmet asked as they stepped out of the elevator.

"As much as to be expected. I remember closing my eyes, and then opening them to my alarm going off. It's like I blinked and it was time to get up." Ingo chuckled as he heard this having done the same thing himself.

"Hopefully a good breakfast and some coffee will help." He opened the door to a famous breakfast place. Just as soon as they sat down a plate of steak, eggs, toast, and a pot of coffee was put down in front of them.

"This place is famous for its food. Simply because they do the age-old steak and eggs breakfast." Emmet told her, Clarity had heard of a few old movies doing this sort of meal. Even the wait staff there wore the old diner attire. It was...cute.

"Did we ever find out what happened yesterday?" Both Ingo and Emmet looked at one another, they didn't expect that sort of question out of the timid person.

"I'm afraid we aren't allowed to divulge the information outside of work." The girl looked up for a moment, her fork sticking out of her mouth and her fingers in the loop of the coffee mug.

"I understand, so that's what it was." Sabotage. This amazed Ingo, how could she read someone so well that she could figure things out without a single word being spoken. Then it clicked. She was smarter than she was letting on. Very smart. No wonder why her parents were trying to play her like a fiddle. They gave birth to a genius.

But why a doctor for the subway?

That's right, she was supposed to be something else, while she ran. So what was she supposed to be doing for them? Oh well, it's not going to happen now. She ran far away from them, and if they were lucky no one would know about things.

Then a weird groan came from the young doctor as she looked at the tv behind Ingo.

"I look horrible." He turned just in time to see the reporter pointing out Clarity specifically. Even her name was on the screen. "How did they even find out my name?" She narrowed her eyes as Ingo lifted his hand a little.

"Momentarily I wasn't aware of your desire to hide your identity." Okay that was true, Emmet looked amazed.

"Hide? What for? You're brilliant." Emmet said as he stuffed another piece of egg into his mouth.

Clarity sighed as she thought of it. Should she tell them? Should she come clean? Why not, she wouldn't get into trouble. Nothing ever came of it.

"Alright, my parents decided to send me to college. It was fine with me, I thought I'd make a good surgeon. Save lives, and stuff. I came home one holiday and I found out they were trying to use me for money. Yeah sure let me be a surgeon, but when needed I'd do plastic surgery on people trying to hide from the authorities. There's a lot of money in plastic surgery." She gritted her teeth as she thought about it. "But their plan was to force me to do it, to get the money I earn. I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to become their plaything." She gritted her teeth as she sipped the coffee that was filled up with sugar and cream about as much as Ingo's was.

"I see, so we'll ensure that no one saying they're your parents comes to see you." He sipped his own coffee. "We'll also put a picture of your parents in the staff room so they know who they are." He yawned behind his hand and sighed. "Paperwork..." He grumbled. He knew there was going to be so much paperwork today. No time for battles, just a lot of clean up for the three of them.

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