Chapter 13: Physicals

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Damn it Ingo! WTF?!


Chapter 13


After fishing around in her apartment for something to actually wear that wasn't dirty. She ended up having to go to a local shop and purchase something new. She would have to order new uniform pieces.

Standing in her office and seeing that at least it was in perfect working order. Her eyes weaved over the things she placed herself, the boxes of stock that came in. "Aipom." She tossed her pokeball and out came her ever faithful nurse. "Help me put these away, we have physicals today."

It took an hour to sort everything and place them in their proper order. Everything smelled different too, it was that box mixed with Permethrin smell.

She stopped by the door steading herself for the part that was about to come...She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Alright, who's first." Emmet asked.

She picked up the clipboard that Ingo displayed to her and looked around.

"Alan?" Alan groaned and stood up. Clarity realized that Ingo was the one who did paperwork while his brother did the hands on.

"Alright take off your shirt and get up on the scale." Was the last thing Ingo and Emmet heard before the door closed.

"Shirts? Why does she need our shirts off?" One of the younger agents asked, looking around.

"Measurements mostly, not only will she gadge how fit you are, she'll also make sure your uniforms are fitting properly and if you need new ones." Emmet told them. Some of the girls looked iffy about being shirtless. Ingo tried to reassure them that the doctor was very professional and the window on the door was blocked by paper today. No one was going to see them save for the doctor herself.

It took four hours before the physicals were through and the bosses were the last to go in.

Emmet wouldn't admit it but he didn't like the idea of physicals either. He preferred his brother to be present when they happened.

"Good afternoon." She said as she pointed to the table. "Which ones first?" Emmet shakily held up his hand.

"I I guess." He felt his brother's reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I won't touch you longer than is needed." She said as she picked up a fresh piece of paper and wrote down Emmets, age, birthdate, eye color, hair color, and any identifying marks like tattoos or scars.

"Is that a tattoo?" She asked, pointing to a scar along his side. "Oh wow that's one hell of a scar." She remarked wondering how something like that could happen and he still lives. She stopped when she noticed Ingo taking off his own shirt and he too had an almost identical scar.

"Oh..." She looked at Emmet's scar and then Ingo's. "You two weren't just were conjoined. No wonder you two look so alike." she smiled at them both. They however didn't smile back. They kind of looked away from one another. Was there...a problem?

"We wish to keep this part secret." She almost wanted to ask why, but it wasn't any of her business so just put twins down on the records paper.

"No sweat off my back." She said as she motioned to the scales. "Alright hop up."

It almost took an hour for the physical and questions to be completed. When Ingo and Emmet left the office they almost seemed very distant for some reason. This got Clarity on edge. She picked up her lunch and made for the park only to see the rainfall that was still going on up the stairs.

"Great rain..." She went back to her office to eat. It's not like she had a choice.

She decided to go from medical area to medical area to check supplies and restock. By the time she was finished she realized she missed all but one of the trains. She ran forward realizing this one said 'decommissioned' so when she stopped running she nearly slammed right into Ingo. She felt his glare on her. She looked up at him.

"I f-figured the carousel was close to the uh a-apartment, maybe it would be okay if I..." Her voice trailed off as Ingo spoke.

"Get off." Emmet noticed for a moment the stutter that Clarity had. This wasn't too good. They worked hard for her to not be afraid of them.

"Ingo maybe just this..." He watched Clarity bump into the door, it opened back up after Ingo pushed a button. She stepped back onto the platform. She never stopped looking at Ingo.

Emmet was confused by his brother. At least until his brother spoke.

"She's going to tell the newspapers, the television...everything. Just to get back at me for spilling her little secret on TV." Emmet knew that Ingo let slip that Clarity was here. But why were them being twins a secret? Unless it was what happened during...he closed his eyes thinking about it. Their mother died giving birth, and so did the baby. His father dropped them off at an orphanage before jumping off a building. It was how they met Elesa.

Such a sad story to continue to listen to over and over again at interviews. Ingo didn't want their sob story out because he didn't want to talk about it or hear it over and over again.

Ingo however watched as Clarity went out of view, the tears that ran down her cheeks. He knew what she was thinking and it nearly had him going back.

'Shame on me, shame on me for believing that I was good enough for friends.' Maybe he should have given her a chance. No, he needed to go back, and apologize.

He stopped the train and jumped off. He ran back down the track calling out for Clarity, but she was nowhere to be seen.

What was more concerning, was the fact that her bag still sat there, with all three pokeballs inside, and a lone shoe near the stairs.

"Ingo?" Emmet ran up to his brother looking around noticing just what he did. "They have her." His voice went from caring to almost sinister. This was their subway.

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