Chapter 7: Breakfast

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Chapter 7


The alarm was incredibly loud, she really didn't like it, but she decided to wake up early so she could go grocery shopping.

That was a horrible idea...but it had to be done. She didn't have any food, the lunch she had made for the day before was something from the convenience store she had stuffed into her lunch bag.

She felt the blanket being pulled back by her pokemon. Machamp pointed to his bowl that would normally fill up at the time the alarm went off. She jumped up and looked at the other two pokemon and realized she hadn't even introduced them to the new one. Oh that would have to happen later.

She jumped up, pulled on her clothes and ran.

Oh today was going to be a busy day wasn't it? She walked into the grocery store and started to load down the cart with everything she would need for the week. She jumped when she heard a giggle. She turned to see a kid who pointed at the Lycanroc that seemed to be glued to her hip.

During their beginning he would ride on her shoulder. She used to have a worse problem stuttering, after the pokemon joined her as a starter her stutter seemed to slowly go away. Her parents noticed that when she was unsure about someone it would come back. Authority figures tended to bring it out a bit more. Which meant she would stutter a lot when they were around. But when she got comfortable it tended to disappear. Anger made it disappear entirely.

But children, she did so love children. So did her Lycanroc, he looked down at the little girl as she ran her fingers over the pokemons fur as they walked by.

"Roc!" He shook his fur and turned in a circle trying his best to look less threatening. Clarity giggled petting him, waving at the child as she giggled again waving and turning toward the cashier.

"So cute." The Lycanroc thought Clarity meant him, so puffed out his chest and walked next to her as they picked out meat. He seemed so much more happier now.

After a little bit of shopping, Clarity finally walked out with the help of her Machamp. They were able to go back to the apartment to start making breakfast.

Luckily the apartment came fully furnished because she wouldn't have been able to afford new furniture. She had a healthy amount of money after her scholarships. If you don't spend all of the scholarship money you tend to get a nice check afterwards. She ended up with four of them and that meant she didn't have any student loans. She was one of the lucky few that had a chess, test, science, and health scholarships.

She walked back into her house going over to the small fridge and started to load it down with food, as well as putting the frying pan onto the stove, as well as a saucer.

There was one thing that no one seemed to notice about her till it was too late. Her parents always had her do the cooking. Which meant she indeed knew how to cook, but no one ever taught her what was and wasn't breakfast food. So she decided to make her comfort food...which was odd to say the least. She heard a knock on the door. Machamp opened it, and in walked Ingo and Emmet.

"I hate to say it, but I'm a bit of a spice nut. I don't mean spicy, I mean I put spices in my food. I understand some people just don't." She took a small spoon full and tasted it before putting more seasonings into the food.

"Where are you from?" Okay that was an odd question...right? She looked around at them.

"Uh, well my dads from Sinnoh, and my mom's from Galar." She looked around at them as she put down some rice with different spices in it making it a brown color, Sausage links, eggs, and was that Tortilla's?

She sat down on the other side of Ingo who looked at the food and then at his brother who looked almost happy about it. "But I went to school in Kanto. I hopped a train almost right after, I got on the phone with the manager of transportation and got hired almost immediately." She put all of the food into a bowl and mixed it together.

Emmet started to eat rather well too. Ingo ignored the obviously brown rice(spanish rice) full of what he expected to be spicy ingredients.

"Don't like rice?" Clarity asked Ingo. Emmet answered before Ingo could.

"He doesn't like spicy." Emmet told her. Clarity looked at the rice and then at Ingo.

"Its...its not it?" She looked at Emmet who shrugged. His mouth was slam full of rice and sausage.

"My dear brother lost his sense of taste from being shocked so much by all the Joltik he has." Ingo challenged. Emmet slowly turned and glared at his brother. He flicked a piece of rice across the table at him. The intense staring contest stopped when their hands flew up to press the earwigs.

They both jumped up.

"Car 15, on track 82? Also car 27?" Ingo looked around at Clarity as she slowly stood up and did something he was unsure of.

Clarity knocked on the table. All three of her pokemon ran into the room and went right into their pokeballs. Grabbing the door knob on the closet she pulled out a huge bag that she pulled onto her back.

"Lets go!" The symbol on the back was for a medical officer.

Emmet slowly looked at Ingo. "I guess we'll find out if she's disaster ready the hard way."

Oh yes today was going to be a busy day.

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