Chapter 12: Meet the Family

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Chapter 12

Meet the Family

Clarity felt something on her chest. That wasn't unusual; she normally felt her Aipom on her chest sometimes when it stormed, or if it was too cold. The soft rumble off in the distance told her that it was probably the storms.

She slowly opened her eyes preparing for the bright sunshine. When she opened her eyes she noticed that it wasn't her Aipom at all. Actually the soft blue eyes staring back at her was a Joltik.

"Huh?" She rolled onto her side to look around the room and realized that she must have fallen asleep on Ingo and Emmets couch the night before.

"Good morning." She looked up to see Emmet by the bathroom door. He still had shaving cream along his face. She often wondered how they ended up getting those odd shaped beard bits on their cheeks. Mystery solved. They just cut around it. "Looks like Forks decided to wake you." He motioned to the Joltik in her hand.


"Named from the lighting bolt forking across the sky." She snorted as she held up the Joltik. It made a small peep noise before jumping onto the couch.

"From the newest brood?" She asked. Emmet looked around at the door that had a line across it with a piece of paper that said 'keep out'

"Oh no, the babies haven't hatched yet. They won't hatch for a little while still." He slowly peeked into the room. "Do you need anything, darling?" The question made Clarity smile. He was such a good partner.

"You really know a lot about pokemon breeding huh?" She asked as Emmet pulled something from the cupboard. His cheeks pink from her compliment.

"Ah, I just know what is needed and then I get it. Nothing much." So he got shy when someone complimented him?

Clarity got up from the couch, she looked around for her Lycanroc realizing he was sleeping in front of the open window. There was a nice breeze coming in from the storm. He had a few more Joltik on or around him enjoying the breeze too. Luckily the storm didn't look too bad.

"Where's Ingo?" She looked around. Emmet snorted as he put something that looked like slime into a bowl mixing it in with chicken, and pokemon food. Sprinkling something over the top of it and cracked an egg in it.

"Ah, he's not a morning person. He's still sleeping." Emmet turned around and walked back over to the door that says 'keep out' and went in for a moment before leaving again running his hands down his pajama pants.

"Specific diet for the mama?" She asked. Emmet nodded as he explained.

"After clutching she needs more protein. Especially the pokemon types that give birth to multiple eggs at one time. When Chandelure had hers she only had one egg. My Gal can have up to 500 small eggs in one clutch, not all will hatch though, but a good many will." Clarity gasped and cringed at the idea of producing more than one. But then again twins did happen.

"Wow, 500 eggs in one go? Give her more Emmet, that mama needs her food." Emmet barked out a laugh and knocked on the table.

"Oh I know, I have to come home in the middle of the day to feed her. Make sure she's okay." He sighed as he motioned toward the door.

"Want to walk over and see if anything is salvageable? I didn't go back last night. Only Ingo went in, I kept making sure you were alright." It was true, after she went into the there apartment she curled up against the arm of the couch and listened to Ingo talking to Jenny. Emmet stood near the foot of the couch listening in. Making her a cup of tea, and even a snack. They didn't even get to eat dinner last night.

A loud growl caused her to jump and look around the room.

Emmet chuckled as he looked at her as she rubbed her angry stomach.

"Looks like food might be a thing first."

"You don't suppose the person who broke in might have left the food, do you? I just went grocery shopping?" Emmet shrugged his shoulders unsure of the answer.

"I'm afraid not. The food had been thrown around the room like playdough." Ingo made his way down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

"Coffee?" Emmet asked. Ingo took the cup and downed it in its entirety.

"Go ahead and see if anything is able to be worn, although I doubt it. A lot of your clothes were cut to pieces."

With a soft groan Clarity went over with Emmet as backup. Ingo fully intended to make breakfast before Emmet got back. At least then they would eat well today.

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