Chapter 16: Things I once Knew

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Chapter 16

Things I once knew

She was hungry, that was for sure. She looked outside the tiny window on the other side of the basement next to the stairs on the other side of the cellar door. It was dark outside so perhaps it would be okay if she snuck upstairs? She looked around the room, her eyes fell onto the tiny set of tools. She plucked up the smallest flat head screwdriver before going up toward the door as quiet as she could.

Lightly pushing the screwdriver between the door and the socket she pushed the knob and the door opened without a single click. She placed the screwdriver back down on the step before leaving the room. Slowly tip toeing into the huge hallway near the stairs to the top part of the house she looked around.

She cringed as she once again heard her stomach growl. She wished it wouldn't do that. But here she was shielding the sound from the empty hallways.

If she remembered the kitchen wasn't too far away, and hopefully no one was there. She spotted a ticking clock. It was 2am already!? She must have woken up early because of hunger, or...

There was a bright flash and a boom off in the distance. She looked at the long window inside of one of the many rooms. This place was bigger than she had remembered.

She heard talking, if she was lucky no one would know she ran off, so she could hide in a random room. She opened the door, went inside and closed the door behind her. She pressed her forehead to the door listening to her father and some person talking. She didn't recognize the voice and didn't know who it was.

"On an adventure?" She jumped and looked behind her. Her so-called mother sat there in a silk dress. In her hands was a glass of brandy. She took a long swallow before putting the cup down and stared at her.

"Oh you sweet thing. In a house you know so much, and yet so little." She motioned to the large fireplace in front of her. "Look..." She pointed to it.

Clarity looked at it, and her eyes spotted the huge portrait she just assumed was her mother and father.

"It's a nice picture." She had to admit.

"OH sweet thing, that's your mother and father, not us." She ran her fingers over her face and sighed. "When you were just born we employed your fathers assistance to design us a face we wouldn't cast issue with. We were wanted felons after all. Your father didn't want to do it, he wanted to spend time with you and his wife who was in the hospital. Mind you...she died naturally and you were the cause." She giggled at the look on her mothers face.

"No...I uh..." she backed into the door. "So when he found out, he gave us his and his wife's face, and asked us to take good care of you before he jumped off the building." She pointed toward the garden. "He and she are buried just out there past the fence as was our agreement. Poor thing." She yawned and sat back in her chair.

"That's not true..." the story sounded a little familiar.

"Oh it's true, how amazed we were to find out that you would go to them. We didn't know you knew who your brothers were, and the fact that they would welcome you with open arms. We had told them you had died with your mother." She pulled the rope beside the fireplace that swung the rest of the curtain to the side that showed hidden twins on either side. That looked a lot like their father. Twins, that she grew so welcome to.

"Oh you poor thing, I am so sorry you had to find out this way. Too bad they'll never know either. They don't care, they never did." Claritys heart broke as she heard this. She turned and opened the door. She walked back toward the basement. Her appetite was gone. Nor did she feel like she wanted to breathe air either. She just wanted to find a corner and fade out of existence. The last thing she heard was the sound of that woman's laughter.

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