Chapter 1: New Position Opens

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Chapter 1

New Position Opens

The alarm clock blared from the nightstand between the twins. Their beds were perfectly lined up next to one another. Their bedding's color was black and white, but the rug between the bed was a swirling marble colored of the two. The posters on the walls were of various designs of black and white locomotives, and some pictures of them around locomotives or pokemon. The only one that wasn't, was a picture on the dresser of them both wearing their first subway agent outfits. Their first jobs after they finished their pokemon journey.

A hand came out from under the white covers and planted his hand on the alarm cloth. He pulled back the blankets and an armload of Joltik fell onto the blankets and floor.

"Come on Ingo!, today awaits."

Oh Emmet was definitely the morning person while Ingo was still attempting to sleep through the noise of the tiny Joltiks jumping up and down repeating their names. It was obviously breakfast time for them. "Ingo..." Emmet said in a sing-song voice as he picked up one of the many yellow flea like pokemon and put it onto the tuft of silver hair that poked out from under the blankets.

Emmet left the joltik to do its job as he left the room to take over the bathroom. A loud shout echoed within the apartment building.

Emmet emerged from the bathroom sometime later to see his lightly jolting older brother.

"Ah there you are, finally decided to grace us with your presence." Emmet had his clothes on, his hair was still under a towel. Emmet decided cooking would be a thing for him this morning. "Why don't you go shower? You smell like burnt..."

"I wouldn't if you hadn't used your Joltik as a taser." He said as he went into the bathroom. The door snapped closed, it would seem Ingo wasn't too pleased with his previous actions.

"Oh don't worry darling. He'll be in a better mood after he eats. We know this." He told Chandelure who had been hovering nearest to the fireplace. He pulled out the eggs, and bacon.

By the time Ingo walked out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel over his soaked hair.

"Comfee?" He mumbled through his still sleepy mind.

"In the pot. Freshly brewed." Emmet said as he sat down a stack of toast. Ingo sat down at the table with the whole pot of coffee. Pouring the milk and tons of sugar into the cup.

"Would you like some coffee with your sugar?" An overused joke.

Ingo heard the clap of thunder outside. His eyes opened as he looked at the rain beyond the window. He actually really liked the feel of spring rain. Soft thundering sounds gave a great feel to it. However a lot of their agents would be doing nothing but pushing the water toward the vents in an attempt to keep people from slipping on the water.

Although Ingo loved the rain, Emmet however did not, the lightning tended to make him feel drained. Like he had some sort of spent energy by the end of the day. Emmet would feel just about the way Ingo felt now. Ingo would have to remember to deliver some sort of food to him midday or he'd end up sleeping on his paperwork...again.

Shoving another piece of bacon into his mouth as he thought about this. Just what would his brother like? He wasn't a sweets loving person, but he needed something that would...ah...Curry sounded good. It was spicy and savory. Perfect for his brother.

Sometimes he wondered how they got to be the way they were. Walking in unison, perfect poses, and even their sleeping positions seemed to be a perfect match. But their love for certain pokemon and their desire for sweet or bland flavoring was incredibly different.

Emmet knew just what his brother was thinking as he shoved yet another piece of egg into his mouth. Needed some salt, he looked up for the train shaped shaker and suddenly remembered they had none. Great...that meant they would have to go to the store on their way home tonight. He didn't much like shopping, his brother on the other hand loved it.

Stuffing the last bit into his mouth and putting his plate into the sink before going over to his pokemon to make sure they were done eating and retrieving their plates as well.

"Come along beauty. Let's get you into your pokeball and..." He looked into the room at the pokemon in question, she sat on a web and almost looked like she was pouting. "OH...oh...sorry." He closed the door and went back into the kitchen. Giving her some privacy in their pokemons shared room. There were even small bunk beds for the pokemon to sleep on. All except Chandelure who slept in the fireplace.

"Is she clutching again?" Ingo asked, having just started to wash the dishes since it was his turn, since Emmet cooked.

"Yup, I'm afraid so. We'll have to find homes for these ones soon. Unless we want to be overrun...again." He motioned to the Joltiks that were sitting on a huge pile of triple A batteries.

"If she keeps going like this, Emmet everyone in the town will have one of your Joltik hatchlings" Ingo put the last plate on the rack and whipped his hands off.

"I know! Isn't it great!" That's not what Ingo was going for, but if it gets the Joltiks to hands that'll take care of them.

Not too long ago a young man came to show Emmet one of the Joltik he had given was now evolved into a Galvantula. You would have thought Emmet had won a million bucks. It was the best thing he had ever seen. Then he quickly demanded a battle. Ingo had to intervene and tell them that he had to wait in line like everyone else.

"Alright, it's about time we left. Least we become late. We are models for the other agents and we must keep to the schedule." He pulled on his shoes, and grabbed his rain gear. Emmet was close behind him grabbing his as well.

Emmet didn't like the feel of the raincoats, but they worked so he never complained too loudly.

Leaving their apartment they spotted another door open. Boxes that were folded up and held together with twine, and another set that had yet to be unpacked were on the other side.

It would seem they were expecting a new occupant across the hallway. Out of the doorway stood a sizable Lycanroc. Across its chest was a black vest that said 'service friend' Emmet looked around at his brother. They had a friend who used an assisted pokemon before. Perhaps this person was also deaf?

They would have to find out at a later date. They were going to be late.

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