Chapter 4: Lunch

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Chapter 4


At the very least the park was a stone's throw away from the subway just outside the main office. Sitting down on a bench overlooking a duck pond she pulled out her small lunch. She had been told she ate like a bird anyways so this shouldn't take long.

"Good afternoon Dr. Piper." She turned to see the subway bosses with their own lunches. A small blanket thrown over Emmet's shoulder told her just what they planned.

"Picnic, gentlemen?" She asked, looking at Ingo as he helped his brother spread out the cloth.

"It's nice outside, and the trees are still blooming quite well." Emmet smiled at her, his eyes glistened in the sunlight. She actually wondered if their eyes glowed in the dark like some of the fans have said.

"Aren't you a-afraid your f-fans will annoy you?" She asked motioning to the giggling teenagers not to far off. They were at a picnic table whispering to each other.

"We deal with them often." Ingo told the doctor who stuffed a chip into her mouth. He placed a small lunch box onto the blanket and sat down.

"Care to join us doctor?" Emmet asked as he threw out one of his pokeballs. The Electross waddled up and plopped down next to him. Emmet placed a small bowl of what looked like shredded chicken mixed with tuna onto the blanket for him. Ingo did the same thing for his own pokemon.

"Where is your Galvantula?" Clarity asked. Emmet smiled as he heard her.

"Oh don't worry, she's comfortably nesting now. She clutched this morning so I'm sure we'll have a full nest now." Emmet put a spoon full of curry into his mouth and nearly bounced as he did. He was so happy for his spider pokemon.

"What about you? Have you decided to breed yours yet?" Ingo asked, looking up from spreading a napkin across his lap and started to spoon out something that looked like porridge. Ingo was glad he had planned to get Emmet that curry earlier. His stomach was incredibly empty, so much so that it had begun to growl loudly while they were in line to purchase it. The scent of the food wasn't helping.

"Oh I donno anyone with...well I donno anyone else with a Lycanroc, an Aipom, or a..." She looked up as some girls walked by giggling.

"You said you had three...what is the third?" Emmet asked. "You said they're all nurses right?" He asked to take another bite.

"Oh yes um...he's a Machamp." Both brothers looked at one another, Emmet tried not to laugh as he was imagining a Machamp in a nurses outfit.

"He's uh...he's um...heavy lifting in case a-anyone needs to be transported." Okay that made more sense. "Me being as small as I am. I needed a-assistance." She was quite tiny, that was true.

"wow...I never thought someone like you would ever have anything more than that dirty mut." Clarity looked around at a woman with a book in her hand and a coffee in the other.

"I beg your pardon, but do you know each other?" Ingo asked as he took a bite of his own food. Clarity shook her head closing up her lunch box, it would seem that half of it was still there. He suddenly wondered if stressful situations weren't to the new Doctors liking.

"No, not even a little. Perhaps she knows you?" Clarity said putting her lunch into her bag. She patted her leg and motioned to her pokemon who stood up and stretched. Its own bowl in his mouth.

"We do not know her." Emmet said, shoveling the last of the rice into his mouth. He must have been starving. Ingo was folding up his napkin and placed it into his empty bowl.

"No we don't." He said as he stretched.

"Oh of course you remember me, Ingo. We battle all the time, I'm the one with the Ghastly." She giggled behind her hand, but her face was pink with embarrassment.

"Oh I remember you." Emmet said as he bumped his brother's hip. The girl seemed to smile a lot now.

"Ah there we go. Told you." She seemed so much more giggly now.

"She's the one who smoked everyone off of track 9 last week...and right into the rain." The girl's cheeks turned red as she fumbled over an apology.

Clarity looked up from petting her pokemon.

"Sounds like that happens a lot." She told them. Emmet shook his head he really didn't want to go into the messes they had to clean up. But she was new after all.

"There are some pokemon who are not allowed on the battle subway. Mostly the super big ones, and them mysticals...and the legendary. Oh and the mega's." Emmet ticked off on his fingers as he thought about it while sipping his tea. Ingo shook his head watching the girl go into the subway. Still very flustered.

"Some people hold themselves in such high regard without a single worry. But then..." He jumped feeling his phone vibrate. He tapped his ear wig and looked at Emmet. "Lunch is over, looks like we have a few runners on track 11." Ingo told Emmet who jumped up and picked up his bowl.

"Have a good lunch Dr. Piper. We'll see you later." Emmet said, running into the subway. Ingo picked up the blanket and saluted Clarity before he too disappeared down the stairs.

Clarity looked down at her pokemon.

"Looks like we're back on. They might need some help." She ran her fingers over the pokemons pelt as they walked into the subway.

Turning the corner toward her office she spotted the familiar woman from before.

"You think you're hot stuff don't you? Getting a job here with them? Do you think they'd give you the time of day?" The fan said as she dropped a pokeball. The Ghastly popped out and glared down at her. It was a lot bigger than the Doctor had thought it would have been.

"Are you in need of medical assistance? I'm afraid I'm a human doctor and not a pokemon one. If you wouldn't mind going to the pokemon center they'll be better equipped to see him." A small bow from her and she stepped into the office. Her stutter was forgotten.

The woman seemed incredibly pissed off now. She hated to be ignored.

"How dare you ignore me." the fan stepped into the office and right into the face of the Machamp.

"If you were not here to be seen for an injury I'm afraid you are in the wrong room. Good day." the doctor said over her shoulder as the Machamp closed the door with an angry growl.

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