Chapter 8: Oops

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Dark Side

Chapter 8


Running out of the apartment building they could already see the smoke coming out of the terminal that they needed to get to. This was where Clarity wished she had a large enough pokemon she could ride quickly to the area she was going to be needed.

They ran. It was all they could do.

Ingo and Emmet tried their best to keep up with her. For a small woman with short legs she could run pretty fast. They were finally able to catch up as she tried to run down the steps to the terminal.

Ingo and Emmet had never experienced a train wreck in their time as bosses. Luckily they were that fortunate. Emmet looked up to see an agent thrust a datapad into his hands and started to fire off information at speeds he was almost not ready to keep up with.

Ingo watched as Clarity ran toward the people who needed medical attention, and there were quite a lot.

The closest ones who were able to go over to her were quickly handed a green card. Ingo wasn't too sure what those cards were. Those who were sitting up and not rushing her received yellow cards and then the red ones were placed onto the ones who seemed to be incredibly hurt.

"Alright if you were given a green card you are able. You can wait for the hospital. If you have a yellow card, stay sitting down, we will get to you, if you have a red card you will be seen immediately." She motioned to the paramedics, and any other doctors willing to give aid." There was an uproar of people trying to argue, but Dr. Piper wasn't listening to them at all. They had been given the information that was needed. Nothing more.

Ingo had to admit he was amazed at this sudden shift of attitude. She pulled on a pair of gloves, a mask, and started to get to work on the worst looking one. Obviously it was hard to see which one was worse by observation alone, but she did what she could without x-ray equipment. She even began to do surgery on a child whose leg was completely ripped off.

"Boss Ingo..." How did she get to be so serious after being so shy about everything around her. "Boss Ingo?" and even the look of her as she was trying so hard NOT to make friends with them. "INGO" Ingo jumped and looked around at the Agent named Alan. Alan held up a datapad in his fingers. "Apologies sir. But you weren't answering. I thought you might have gone into shock. It is a frightful sight." it really was, there was blood everywhere on the ground.

"It's alright, I was just making sure no one was bothering the doctor." Well he kinda was. "Make sure you post security on her, I don't want anyone trying to hurt her. There have been some demanding aid when they can obviously walk on their own." Ingo said as he walked over to his brother. Strong arming her didn't seem to work at all.

Ingo jumped as he found a microphone in front of his face and a well known reporter standing on the other side.

"What caused this wreck? How many people were injured? Any deaths?" Ingo cleared his throat and straightened his hat.

"We are uncertain exactly the cause at this time, we aren't sure if there are any deaths, but there are plenty of injured being treated by a very skilled doctor. Dr. Clarity Piper." He motioned behind him. The camera panned over to the woman in question who looked up talking to a man who was obviously in pain before popping a shoulder back into place.

Ingo wasn't too sure that would be allowed on national television, but oh well.

It was almost 3am before everything was cleared out and Ingo walked out of the underground. They had moved a lot of the injured to the park where Clarity was able to use the medical tents with more equipment out there. She sighed as she leaned back looking up at the stars. She was so glad it was a clear night.

"Doctor." She turned to see Ingo holding out a cup for her. "I don't know how you like your coffee so I just brought it, a pouch of sugar, and cream. She smiled from ear to ear.

"Oh this will hit the spot good. Thank you so much." She practically poured all the sugar and cream into the cup before just guzzling it.

"This was a most eventful day, but it is...almost over." Ingo looked up at the sky too, the moon was full and it probably helped. "They already took the tents down? That was quick."

"Yup, I helped. I'm rather used to it, one of our tests was a month in the woods. We had to make our own way from one side of a mountain to the next with just a bag of granola bars, a small canteen of water, and one pokemon." She sighed. "I went in there with a Machop, and came out with a Machamp, and an Aipom." She looked down at her fingers.

"I figured you got them on your journey." Ingo told her. She shook her head and yawned.

"Nope, my pokemon journey was cut short because my greedy parents wanted my help at home because they couldn't do their own dirty deeds." She looked up at Ingo. "I want nothing to do with them and they don't know anything about where I am." uh oh...

" should get ready then, there were reporters all over the place today and I'm sure they saw you." She stopped and slowly turned around before slumping in defeat.


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