Vol 1 Prologue: The dominating spirit

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka POV
March 18th, 20xx

It was currently march as I, well we were living in the Ayanokoji Estate since the white room had to shutdown due to funding issues.

Currently I am on a martial arts sparring mat as I am currently sparring with a girl with white and black hair known as Yukihira Sara as she was currently sending me multiple jabs that were coming at me at an incredibly fast rate.

"Your offense has become much more refined." I said to her as she continued to focus her attacks on me, however I did hear her mutter something.

"I see.." She muttered as she kept on throwing 10 jabs at me every 10 seconds but I was able to block them.

I then felt myself be unbalanced as I realized that she sent a low side kick at me, and before I could rebalance myself, she then pinned me to the ground.

I see, so all the jabs she sent were part of her plan as she anticipated me to only stay on defense and made sure to not leave out any openings for me to counter her, however that was all a mere method to distract me to get her to get me off balan...

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I see, so all the jabs she sent were part of her plan as she anticipated me to only stay on defense and made sure to not leave out any openings for me to counter her, however that was all a mere method to distract me to get her to get me off balance and pin me to the ground with limited options to go for.

As expected of her, since she is on par with me in terms of combat and combat intelligence.

Of course their were moments where I could counter, however the problem would be that it would be too risky and end bad on my part, since Sara's combat are extremely practical, brutal, and to an extent lethal.

I could remember our 1st match out of 200, even though I won that match, I was incredibly injured.

Till then we kept on tying up on our matches as she had 100 wins against me as I also have 100 wins against her.

This sparring match would make 201, and from the looks of it, it could really go either way since this is a free style match and not based on specific rules except don't kill your opponent.

I feel kinda sorry for that one instructor who sparred with Sara, he really should've added that one rule. Poor instructor-kun, but I guess his clumsiness to not adding that rule was on his fault so no need to feel bad for him now.

"Truly impressive Sara, you have me almost neutralized." I said to her.

"You could easily used the advantage of that small moment." She retorted.

Ah I know what moment she is talking about. It is when she went in for the low side kick as before she sent that kick she pulled her jabs away leaving an opening for me to send a jab at her face so that I could create some distance between us, but I sense that to be a trap from her so that if I did went in for that move, she'll pull me in for a headbutt leaving me unconcious. Due to that possibility, I was only forced to stay on defense on my upper half.

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