Vol 1 Chapter 1: Dissecting the anatomy

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka POV

Dominate by any means necessary huh, that is the exchange to enjoy this freedom. That seems like a decent deal to me, and it seems the others are also fine with it.

However I still have a few questions for this man.

"Father, I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking?" I asked the man as he looked at me with his cold gaze.

"Go on." He said.

"Is there anyone at this school that know of our existence in terms of students and staff?" I asked him.

"Is there anyone at this school that know of our existence in terms of students and staff?" I asked him

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Considering the chairman knows of us and the white room, and that Moriyama and Yokoya will be here. I need to know if their are other people that will know of us or me.

"The chairmans daughter, Sakayanagi Arisu, knows of your existence only Kiyotaka. Also another instructor here that taught all of you psychology, law, and philosophy, Johan Liebert is also here, however he was sent here to keep progress on Miyabi's progress at the school." He said.

So this Sakayanagi Arisu knows of me only, well I guess I have to keep myself hidden from her radar, or try to hide myself under a persona in which she wouldn't recognize me.

Also it seems Johan is here aswell.

"So Johan-sensei will know that we will be here?" Kirari asked the man.

"So Johan-sensei will know that we will be here?" Kirari asked the man

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"Yes however he is going to keep quiet about it for a bit." He said to her.

I wonder why he told Johan to keep quiet about us?

Their would be no reason for him to keep quiet about our existence here, even if it is temporary, unless this school has something suspicious that can't let the others know about?

Once again, prying answers from this man would be difficult, but not impossible, but i'd rather not put the effort into why he has Johan keep quiet about us, since I am certain that we'll figure out why that is the case.

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