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Third Person P.O.V:

January 3rd, 2020

Hermione sat in the cellar she had made with the same magic she had used back in her own home. The door was hidden under the bed of the room she now lives out of in the Y/l/n residence.

She had a slight headache still from the festivities a few nights ago. Bringing in the New Year was much more fun with Y/n and her family than at the castle or with her own parents.

Then again, maybe she was too infatuated with her Fiancée to really notice a difference. She wasn't complaining though.

She sat in front of her caldron, her new version of the potion bubbled with its light grey liquid in the middle. It stirred itself as she looked back at her notes, the various scribbles and ramblings were slightly alarming, but she didn't have time to sort out her own mental health right now.

Hermione had finally gotten her hands on Phoenix feather powder. It had taken much longer to acquire due to its rarity and price point, but Dr.Pinhall was able to get his hands on a few ounces with his grant money from the Ministry of Medicine department.

Her eyes flickered back to the potion as a puff of grey smoke rose from the mixture, it took the shape of a Phoenix, and a small quiet screech came from it before disintegrating into the air.

She took a breath and turned off the burner, deciding to let it cook for the day while she spent time with Y/n. Like she usually did. But before she went off to act like the lovesick school girl she has become, Hermione decided to write down the directions to this batch of her many potions,

Even though she hadn't found the right reaction she was looking for, she had made a nice profit from the numerous amount of new joke potions and medicines she had made instead. Dr.Pinhall even noted how Hermione was already making a name for herself in the Wizarding World, and she wasn't even out of school yet.

Yet, she didn't care about that.

She shut her notebook after writing down her exact movements in making this new potion. Her feet she quiet as she shuffled up the small set of stairs and quietly lifted the trapdoor enough to look out.

The bed was still lying over the door, from what she could see, neither Y/n nor her mother was standing in the room. So, she slowly lifted the door more, and the bed raised until she could fully get out from under it.

When it sat back in its spot on the ground, she took a deep breath and steadied her nerves. This potion had to work. It had to.

"Everything will be fine" she whispers to herself as she walks over to her door and opens it with a quick pull. It was quiet in the home, but a few wet coughs could be heard coming from Y/n's room.

Hermione closed her eyes for a moment before quickly making her way towards the door of her lover's hideaway. When she opened it, she found Y/n leaning over the edge with a tissue to her mouth. She cleared her throat and wiped the corners of her mouth, not even noticing that her fiancée was standing by the doorway.

The brunette instinctually sucked in her right cheek and bit on it slightly, her mind was reeling as anxiety punctured each lobe of it like needles. She slowly walked over to the bed and climbed over to Y/n, who now noticed her. Hermione's arms wrapped around her and she rested the side of her face against the middle of Y/n's shoulder blades.

She felt a hand grasp her forearm and gently squeeze it. An unspoken comfort.

It seemed as if Y/n was declining more as the seconds went by. It was like a slap in the face every time it reminded Hermione that time was surely running low. She wanted to freeze the fabric of space, just so she could have just long enough to perfect the potion.

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