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Third Persons P.O.V:

November 28th, 2019

"No?" Hermione asks, disbelief on her face as her parents sit at the kitchen table, arms across their chests in a defensive manner.

"No?" she asked again with anger laced in her voice as her dad sat up slightly, taking notice of her shift in attitude. Hermione was a stubborn girl, always has been, but to be willing to challenge his authority was new territory for him.

"What do you mean 'No'?!" she yells as she flicks her gaze between them. Her mother cleared her throat and held her coffee cup between her hands.

"Honey, you're seventeen. We can't let you throw your life away because you pity Y/n" Her mom says, to which Hermione eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" she scoffs back.

"I understand wanting to give a dying girl some romance before she passes, but marrying her? That's just too far" Her father says and Hermione held up her hands, a look of utter disgust on her face made them share a confused look.

"Oh my god...you both think I'm doing this out of pity?" She whispers, her eyes narrowing as a mask seems to slowly crack off the faces of her parents in her memories.

"Of course. We don't see any real reason why you would allow yourself to be in a relationship that will just hurt you in the end. It's idiotic. You're too smart to do something like that" Her father chuckles as he opens up his morning paper, and her mother nods along to his arrogant statement.

This broke Hermione's heart. To have her role models turn out to be this narrow-minded...it was soul-shattering. Like the wool had finally been pulled from her eyes.

"I...I love her" she admits with a torn look on her face. When the smile dropped from her mother's face, she knew the conversation was about to get worse.

"You can't be serious," her mother says with a shocked chuckle, as she gently kicked her husband's leg from under the table to capture his attention. He puts down the paper and looks at both of them with a raised brow, he obviously checked out of the conversation as soon as he started reading.

"I can't be? What about you two? How dare you consider my feelings as nothing more than self-imposed satisfaction," Hermione says with a sneer as she looks at her parents with disgust. Her father's jaw clenched as he sat up in his chair again and looked her in the eye.

"This marriage will not happen, so you understand me?" He says with a bitter gruff in his voice, it was low and dominant, something that she used to back down from when it was used.

But not now.

She didn't see her father, she saw an arrogant man, who didn't seem to really care about her feelings. Her mother was even more surprising, considering that she was the one who taught Hermione to love whoever she wanted as long as she was happy and safe.

Now she was, and yet that ideology seemed to be long forgotten in the older woman's beliefs. They cared more about reputation and prestige. Something that McGonagall had warned her about when she first came to Hogwarts.

"Ms.Granger, I hope you never go through what many incredible muggle-born witches and wizards have gone through before you" she had said after she had shown great promise with her studies and powers. Hermione remembered being very confused about her sudden warning.

"What do you mean Professor?" She had asked.

"I won't lie to you Ms.Granger, you show great promise in the Wizarding world. I fear that the muggles in your life will begin to...change, because of your new life and prestige that will come with your accomplishments." Minerva had said as she sat at her desk and looked at the young first-year. Hermione couldn't understand why she had brought this up, because her family was friendly and humble.

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