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Third Person P.O.V:

April 15th, 2019

Hermione had left a few hours ago, and as much as Y/n didn't want her to go, her parents obviously wanted to see her. She was selfish enough to steal her away for the day.

Y/n sat at her desk, messing with her console controller, thinking about the frizzy-haired girl next door. She wondered if the fuzzy feelings in her chest were worth pursuing.

Or would it be a waste of time?

She heard her door open, turning to find her mom walking in, still in her work clothes. Her hair was messy and her makeup was gone, but she still held a smile on her lips.

"Hey, how was your day?" She asks as she sits down on the bed, and Y/n just shrugs, trying to not show her excitement from the day she had with Hermione.

"Hermione came over today," she states nonchalantly, to which Y/m/n grins happily.

"She came home today? Thats great! Did you two have fun?" She asks as her back seems to straighten. Y/n nodded as she placed the controller down and turned toward her mother.

"Yeah, we talked a lot about life," she says with a soft smile, to which her mom clasped her hands together in excitement.

"How exciting!" she says with a chuckle. One thing about her mother, she was a hopeless romantic.

"Calm down, it doesn't mean anything," Y/n says with a smile as she turns her desk chair from side to side.

"From the sound of how you two talk about each other, it means a lot" Y/m/n states with a grin, to which Y/n rolls her eyes at the sentiment.

"Her mom and I talk when we catch each other in our driveways, she says Hermione can't ever stop talking about you," she says as she starts to make her way out the door. Y/n felt her ears burn as she called after her mother,

"Wait! Really?" she asked as her mom looked over her shoulder and chuckled with a nod. Her hand grasped the doorframe on her way out, making the older woman stop for a moment.

"You better catch her before someone else does" she whispers with a small smile, before disappearing from sight. Y/n could hear her footsteps fade down the stairs, each step getting softer as she walked away.

Y/n sighed softly and rubbed her eyes with the bottoms of her palms. Emotions suck.

When her hands fell to her lap, she gazed over to see Hermione writing at her desk, the setting sun shined on her side of the yard. It gave her perfect natural light for whatever she was working on.

Her mother's words rang in her head.

"What's the point of catching her when I won't be around to set her free?" Y/n whispers as her eyes follow the brunette's jawline. It was tense. She was obviously working on something important. Y/n sighed, defeat filling her soul.

She looked away but soon felt herself on the opposite end of being watched. Y/n looked back up to see a pair of tree bark-colored eyes staring back at her.

Y/n felt her throat closed as Hermione gave her a soft smile, their eyes danced for a moment, sharing a secret that neither of them knew they shared. Hermione reluctantly tore her eyes away, looking back at the paper on her desk.

Y/n watched Hermione's hands scribbled down with the pen, her eyebrows furrowing, Y/n soon her head and looked back at the computer screen, it was dim due to inactivity.

She reached out to her mouse and moved it slightly, blinding herself in the process as it came back to life.

"Dammit" Y/n whispers as she looked away and blinked a few times. Her head throbbed slightly, her headaches have been more frequent recently, but that wasn't a big surprise,

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