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Third Person P.O.V:

June 27th, 2019

The Granger Family sat quietly in the public waiting room of the ER, waiting for any news of Y/n's condition.

At this point, Hermione was silent, having cried for the last two hours until her eyes seemed to have no tears left.

"Honey? Are you okay?" Asked her dad, and she shook her head, her throat hurting from crying as well. Her parents gave her a knowing look and turned their attention to the window.

Hermione leans wearily against her father's shoulder. Though no words can lessen the weight of worry, his steady presence offers strength. Her mother rubs her back gently.

"Our darling girl, this waiting is the hardest part. But your Y/n is a fighter - the doctors will do all they can," she states, trying to ease the roaring storm in her daughter's mind.

Hermione nods, mouth too dry for speech. How she longs to see those eyes smiling once more, to hold Y/n close and never let go. But for now, all she has is faith; faith in modern medicine, and the deep love binding their souls that refuses to be broken even by fate's harshest trials.

As minutes stretch slowly by, Hermione retreats into memories like a safe harbor. Laughter in the sunlight, tender notes of a favorite song, hands fitting together as if made to do just that. These treasures sustain her spirit, keeping hope alive though darkness presses close outside.

"Oh no," her dad groaned as she quickly looked at him, watching as his eyes had a flicker of annoyance in them.

"What?" Hermione asked, and he sighed, slowly standing up as he watched two figures walking toward the doors.

"Two more have arrived," he mutters as her name is called out, making her almost lightheaded from the loud noise.

"Hermione?! What the bloody hell happened?!" Asked Ron as he and Harry entered the ER waiting room.

"T-The tumor is pushing on something in her brain, I-it's causing her to faint and have trouble breathing and...and-" she croaked out as they hugged her, she could smell the dried toothpaste on Ron's shirt, and Harry's Riverwood Cologne.

"Monie... I'm so sorry" Harry whispered as she started to cry again, seeing the flashing lights of the ambulance every time she shut her eyes.

The boys sat her down and she felt her phone buzz from within her pocket. Hermione sniffled as she pulled it out and read the message from Y/N's mother, saying she would be there tomorrow night. She replied with an update and sighed to herself, her leg starting to shake up and down nervously.

"How about we get you some food?" Asked Ron, but she shook her head, looking down as he placed a comforting hand on her quivering knee. She moved away, saying she couldn't leave the waiting room.

"No. Not until I know" she replied harshly as Ron sat away a bit, knowing that his touch wasn't going to help.

Harry and Ron offered to bring her something from the cafeteria as her family left to eat dinner, leaving her to stay behind and wait for news. Her mind began to feel as she thought back on Y/n, who now was being cut up by some regular doctors who had no business touching her.

Hermione takes a deep, calming breath as worrying thoughts creep in. This will do Y/n no good. She must have faith in the skilled healers tending to her love.

Sinking back into the chair, Hermione closes her eyes and pictures happier times. Strolling by the lake together, stealing sweet kisses under the stars... Y/n's joyful laughter as they engaged in friendly debates. Her quick wit and gentle spirit are a balm to Hermione's soul.

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