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Third Person P.O.V:

August 23rd, 2018

Y/n sat on her bed, looking at the ground as it rained heavily against her window on this hot summer day in early August.

It's been raining for weeks, is it a sign of the end of the world? Were the crazy religious fanatics right all along? Or had Mother Nature finally given up on us?

Whatever it was, she hoped it would take her out to sea with it.

Y/n sighed and laid back into the bed, her eyes tracing the familiar cracks in the ceiling as she thought about what led her to this part of life.

Brain cancer.

She closed her eyes and began to daydream about all the things she could have been doing this year. Everything she wished she wasn't missing.

Y/n could be going to her first year of senior secondary school, she could have some friends...a girlfriend.

She often wondered about what it felt like to be deeply in love. Was it a work of fiction? Or were there truths to the media's fascination with the concept?

Maybe God will throw her a bone and-

Slam! Slam! Slam!

Her thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of car doors slamming and muffled laughing coming through the glass of her window.

Y/n sat up and stood to her feet, she looked out to see a family running into the once-empty house, next to hers.

"New neighbors?" she whispers to herself as she watches them run inside and a moving truck stops in front of their new house.

Y/n hears a girl yell through the sound of heavy rain and catches as a brunette runs back to the car to retrieve something. Her hair is drenched as she opens the door to the backseat, and her body disappears into the car as she leans into it.

Her head pops up seconds later, and a soft smile plays on her lips as she looks up at the downpour.

The girl's eyes flicker as raindrops hit them, her smile never fading. Her shoulders shake slightly, a laugh perhaps? Y/n watches as she shakes her head and takes the steps towards the house.

As she's walking, the girl stops and seems to have sensed her new neighbors staring. She looks up at Y/n, her brown eyes somehow shining through the blurry air.

Y/n's eyes widen as the new girl next door gives her a wave and a smile. Y/n gave her a small smile back and backed away from the window, almost stumbling back into the bed as the back of her knees hit the edge.

"Motherf-" she grumbles as her footing quickly realigns, the light above her flickers as thunder shakes the home.

Y/n felt as if her heart was beating at a mile a minute, she took another peek to see if... whoever she was, was still there.

No dice.

She sighed softly and took a seat at her desk, her laptop began to whirl as it turned on. Showing her a default wallpaper and asking for a password.

'Hint: favorite thing'

She sighed again and typed in the code, watching as it welcomed her and opened to the desktop. Games and apps riddled the screen, waiting to be opened and used.

"What's the use..." Y/n says to herself as she leaned back in the chair, her back popping as she stretched. Nothing fun to do anymore, at least entertainment-wise.

A smile made its way onto her face as she sat up, loading her favorite playlist. The screen made her eyes sting and squint, but it was worth it for the time being.

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