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Third Person P.O.V:

November 23rd, 2019

Y/n lay in bed, the room was dark as she tried her best to ignore the nauseous feeling that was slowly creeping up from her stomach. She was getting worse by the day, which wasn't all that surprising.

The hallway light was revealed against her wall as Y/m/n opened the bedroom door. Y/n stared at her shadow, waiting to see if she had come in to say something or to just make sure Y/n was still breathing.

"I think you should call Hermione," Y/m/n suddenly announces, causing Y/n to give a short laugh that puts her into a concerning cough. Her mother slowly walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down.

Y/n pushed herself up and did her best to calm the tickle in her lungs. Y/m/n reaches over and rubs her back, trying her best to help.

When it finally passed, and Y/n drank some water, her eyes met her mother's. She felt small.

"I don't think it's fair to ask her to finish her last year of school online just so she can watch me die," she says, but Y/m/n has a guilty expression on her face. One that screamed 'You're about to hate me for a while'.

"What?" Y/n groans as she waits for the obviously not-great news. Her mother began to play with the edges of the blanket nervously.

"I might have...called Hermione," she says as casually as possible as Y/n eyes widened in horror.

This was not good.

"Why would you do that!? She doesn't have to watch this!" Y/n says with a cough as her mother gives her an agitated look in return, which immediately makes her shrink from the glare.

"She's your girlfriend, and in all honesty, you're acting like a jackass," she states and Y/n groaned again in annoyance as she lays back down and turns away from Y/m/n.

"Mom, I don't think it's fair that you made that choice for me," Y/n says as anger starts to rise in her chest, but it is quickly shot down with her mother's next sentence.

"Yet you can make the choice for Hermione? Keep the secret that you're in a downhill battle that you're not going to win. So that's fair?" she responds and Y/n turns silent, staring at the wall as her hand clenched around the corner of the pillow under her head.

"I didn't tell her everything. I just said you weren't doing well right now, and that if she had a few days free, she should come back and see you" she says as Y/n laid on her back and gave her mother a sideways glance.

"But let me tell you, Y/n Y/l/n" Y/m/n states with a stern tone, one that made the younger girl a bit fearful of what her mother was about to say.

"If you don't tell her, I will"

This wasn't a threat, this was a promise, and Y/n knew better than to test her mother's bluff. Also, a part of her didn't want to experience the side of Hermione she would face if Y/n's mother outed the big secret.

"I don't want to hurt her" Y/n whispers as her lip trembles, the stinging in her eyes is all too familiar. All she did was cry nowadays.

Maybe because she was in the endgame now. Where there was no chance of her backpedaling and stopping the inevitable.

Where she couldn't stop the pain.

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