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Third Person P.O.V:

August 17th, 2019

Hermione sat in the waiting room, looking around as she waited for Y/n to finish with her medical exams, her knee never resting as it shook from nervousness.

Calm down, she's okay for now.

She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. Emotions take hold of her slightly, but she quickly pushes them away for another time.

Y/n was having an MRI done today, to see if the tumor has stayed the same, increased, or decreased.

Hermione prayed for the ladder.

She knew the chances were low, but she just needed more time. More time to find the original recipe for the spell and potions.

Her hands clasped together as she placed her forehead against them. Their eyes squeezed and even tightened as she gritted her teeth.

"Please" she whispered.

Her mind was spiraling, filled with work and anxiety about the unknown.

With the sound of the door opening made Hermione stand up instinctively. The doctor held open the door as Y/n walked through with a small smile.

"Hiya Bookworm," she says when she is close enough. The doctor caught Hermione's eyes, he didn't have an expression, something in his eyes was calling out to her...like a secret that he couldn't share.

"Hey Nucly, are you okay?" Hermione asks as she beaks their gaze and looks back at her girlfriend. Y/n nods, holding out her hand eagerly.

Hermione looked back up at the doorway, but the doctor was gone.

"What did the doctor say?" she asks as she softly grasps Y/n's hand, walking towards the automatic doors that lead back to the parking lot.

"Eh, nothing much really...oh wait, the tumor went down an inch," she says nonchalantly, Hermione stopped dead in her tracks in front of the hospital, yanking Y/n to a halt as well.

"What did you say...?" Hermione asks quietly as their eyes meet, Y/n swallows the lump in her throat. Something the brunette would usually take notice of, but the shock had her blind.

"My tumor went down an inch...?" She responds and Hermione yanked Y/n into her arms, squeezing her tightly.

"Hermione, be careful! You know I'm fragile!" She says with a laugh as her arms wrap around Hermione as well.

"Thank Merlin" Hermione whispers into her shoulder, her nose taking in the scent of her perfume and laundry detergent.

"Who?" Y/n laughs out. Hermione looks up at her and for a moment, she's lost for words as her eyes capture her in a trance.

"Hermione? Are you-" Y/n is cut off as Hermione's lips capture hers, a shared kiss deepening after every moment.

Her hands find the sides of Y/n's face, and the tip of her index finger brushes against the healing scar on her head.

When they pull back from one another, Hermione gently kisses Y/n's nose and then her forehead.

"This just turned into a fantastic day" she mumbles as they lock eyes with each other again, Y/n hums in agreement.

"I couldn't agree more," she said. Suddenly her arms grasped the back of Hermione's thighs and picked her up with ease. She even got a squeal out of her girlfriend as she grasped the back of Y/n's shirt to hold onto something.

"I thought you were fragile?!" Hermione asks as she is basically thrown onto Y/n's shoulder. Y/n just chuckled as she began to walk towards the car, a few people walking towards the hospital chuckled softly to themselves at the sight.

"I used it as a way to get more kisses" she replies, getting a laugh out of Hermione as she continues to walk to the car.

"Let me down! You could strain yourself!" Hermione says with a huff as she tries to free herself, but that only makes Y/n tighten her hold around her hips. Almost like a python.

"I'm not made of glass Bookworm," Y/n says as she keeps going, seeing the car only a few feet away. She didn't want to admit that she was getting slightly winded.

"You're still delicate to me," Hermione says as she pinches Y/n's buttcheek in retaliation.

"Ow! Hey! Don't make me drop you" Y/n warned teasingly as she loosened her grip, making Hermione hold onto her shirt more.

"Don't. You. Dare." Hermione grits out as they finally make it to the car. Y/n just snickered as she placed her girlfriend back on her feet.

Hermione had a slightly red face as she crossed her arms and gave a stern look at Y/n, who was trying her best to cover her heavy breathing. Hermione observes Y/n with an air of amusement evident in her eyes as Y/n lets out a sigh and walks towards the passenger seat.

"You've tried yourself," Hermione remarks. Despite Y/n's eye roll, it's clear that Hermione's comment has struck a chord, as she continues to mutter under her breath.

"Thank you Captain Obvious, where would I be without your observations?" Y/n snickered as Hermione rolled her eyes as well, unlocking the car and climbing into the driver's seat.

"If you want to still have a girlfriend, I recommend listening to her" Hermione teased as she pulled out the keys and turned on the engine. Y/n hummed softly as she watched Hermione pull out of the spot. As she settled into the passenger seat of the car, she turned to Y/n with a look of curiosity.

"So, what's the next step?" she asked, her expression expectant. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. She reached for her seatbelt, pulling it across her lap and clicking it into place before turning to face her companion.

"Next step?" Y/n asks as the cars begin to pull toward the nearest exit of the parking lot. Hermione looked at her for a moment before looking back at the road.

"For treatment. Do you continue with the French studies?" Hermione asks and Y/n immediately nods, taking a soft breath before answering.

"Yes. Dr.Weaver thinks it would be best to continue the aggressive treatment until we see more progress" Y/n says, the lies effortlessly falling from her lips like water off a rock. She felt guilt filling her stomach more as she caught the heavenly smile upon her lover's face.

"That's wonderful!" Hermione exclaims as her face lights up with excitement, her mind immediately starts racing with ideas for how to celebrate. Without pausing to take a breath, she begins to excitedly ramble off a list of fun activities they could do together that afternoon.

"Hey Nucly, how about we treat ourselves to some delicious food from your favorite restaurant and enjoy it by the river? I think it would be a lovely way to spend the evening," Hermione suggested, after exploring a few other ideas. A smile lit up Y/n's face at the thought of dining by the calming waters.

"That's a brilliant idea, Bookworm," she replied, her eyes shining with anticipation. Hermione beamed with pleasure as she drove.

Y/n let her mind drift as Hermione began to list off everything they would need, and or already had on them. Y/n hummed as she turned her head towards the window, her eyes landing on the blurry passing of buildings and nature.


Y/n's P.O.V:

I can't believe I just lied to my girlfriend.

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