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Third Person P.O.V:

May 15th, 2019

Hermione was back home for the week, she sat on her bed, reading the study guide she made for the exams in June.

Her phone buzzed on the bed, lighting up to a new message from social media. She sighed as she got another message from Ron, who is currently in the common room back at Hogwarts.

"I wish that boy would take a hint" Hermione mumbles as her eyes skim across the paper, different potion questions, and imagery of spell movement fill the page.

As Hermione tried to focus on her study guide, the constant buzzing of her phone became more and more distracting. She couldn't help but wonder what Ron wanted this time, especially when she was trying to concentrate on her upcoming exams.

With a deep breath, Hermione picked up her phone and opened Ron's message. As expected, it was another attempt at starting a conversation or making plans. She had explained to him multiple times that she needed this week to focus on studying and spending time with Y/n, but he seemed to either forget or simply not understand the importance of these things.

"Is her having cancer not enough for him to push aside his feelings?" she grumbled to herself as she tried to calm her mind before responding.

Feeling a mix of frustration and annoyance towards Ron, Hermione typed out a polite yet firm response. She expressed her need for these moments with Y/n, and that they could do something when she got back at the end of the week.

She knew that he cared about her still, but sometimes his lack of consideration could be exasperating.

Setting her phone aside, Hermione returned her attention to her study guide, determined to block out any further distractions. She reminded herself that her goals were far more important than any temporary social interactions. As she delved further into the world of potions and spell movements, Hermione could feel her passion for learning and her determination to succeed reignite within her.

Then she heard something clunk against her window and looked to find Y/n, smiling at her from across the way.

The only person who could make her forget about her education and leave it behind with a smile on her face.

Hermione stood up with a grin and furrowed eyebrows as she placed her study material on the desk. Y/n smiled brightly as she watched Hermione open her window and lean out with a soft stare.

It was dark out, but the lights in their rooms illuminated a small path between their houses.

"Are you free?" Y/n asked as they gazed at one another, Hermione chuckled and hummed in thought.

"I guess I can push some things back for you" she teased, as the stars shined above them. Y/n's body seemed to have lightened, the weight of her shoulders fell off, or anxiousness left her lungs.

"You're so generous" Y/n replied, with a small snicker as her back gently bumped the bottom of her slid-up windowpane.

Without hesitation, Hermione climbed out of her window and carefully made her way down to the grassy space between their houses.

Y/n watched with amazement as Hermione reached the small path between their homes, the cool night air brushed against her skin, making Hermione shiver slightly.

Y/n held out her hand, her touch warm and comforting, as she gave Hermione a goal on her climb towards her room. The anticipation and excitement filled the air, creating an electric atmosphere between them.

"You know, you could have used the front door," Y/n says with a chuckle as Hermione begins to climb up to her with somewhat ease.

"That wouldn't have been as cool" Hermione retorted as she grasped Y/n's hand, letting herself be pulled into the room.

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