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Third Person P.O.V:

November 28th, 2019

Y/n does a double take before fully turning around in Hermione's arms, surprise evident on her face as she takes in what was said.

"Repeat that?" she asks, unsure if she has heard her correctly, and Hermione looks at her with the utmost certainty. Even though the tears that fell from her eyes did seem like she wasn't in the right mindset, she knew that this was her only chance now.

"I want you to marry me. Now. Let's just go down to the nearest civic center and get married" she states matter-of-factly as she lets go of Y/n and walks back over to the hood of the car, while poor Y/n looked so lost.

"Hey, wait-, I uh..." Y/n stumbles over her words as she tries to connect everything in her mind. It was a real 180 for her to go from being insecure to being flushed with surprise.

"It's a beautiful day, and they should be open by six, so everything should be in order" Hermione mumbled to herself as she hurriedly grabbed her sandwich and took a big bite. Y/n blinked a few times before slowly making her way back to the front of the car, side-eying Hermione as she stared at the hood in thought.

"Can we talk about this first?" Y/n asked as she grabbed her breakfast and took a bite of her own. The wind blew, throwing leaves everywhere around them as Hermione looked back at her.

"What is there to talk about? Don't you want to marry me?" She asks and Y/n nods immediately, but within doing so, begins to choke on a piece of the bagel. She pounds on her chest as Hermione patted her back and prayed for the second time that morning that they didn't have to go to the hospital.

She really wouldn't know how to explain this to Y/m/n.

"Don't worry Miss Y/l/n, she only choked on her sandwich after I asked her to marry me. By the way, may I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage?"

Yeah, that would go over well.

She rolled her eyes at herself as Y/n finally swallowed the bit of sandwich that was stuck in her throat. She took a few deep breaths before looking back at Hermione.

"I do, but we're both just freshly seventeen! You know the expression 'babies marrying babies'? That's what they would call this" Y/n said with a chuckle as she coughed a few more times before standing up straight again. Hermione huffed and finished her sandwich, throwing away the wrapper in a nearby garbage bin.

"That doesn't matter" she states as she turns back to Y/n and walks up to her, grabbing her shoulders in a soft grip.

"Nucly, look at me" Hermione whispers as their eyes meet, a warmth sparked between them, keeping away the nipping of cold air that blew around them.

"I love you. More than I've loved anything or anyone in the eighteen years I've been alive. That may not seem like a long time, but it is to me. I want to spend our final months together as your wife. Your wife." Hermione says with a faltered breath as her hands snake up to the spaces underneath Y/n's ears. She pulled her forward till the foreheads began to touch.

"Are you sure?" Y/n whispered.

"I can't give you a big wedding or a fluffy dress...I can't even afford a cake" she chuckled as Hermione shook her head with a smile.

"I don't need those things. Marrying you is all that really matters" she replied as Y/n smiled back, but a hint of mischief could be seen behind her eyes.

"What are you think-"

Hermione is cut off when Y/n wraps her arms around her midsection and lifts her. She gasped out of surprise as she was now trapped against Y/n as the girl jumped and spun them around.

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