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Third Persons P.O.V:

January 27th, 2020

Since the spread of COVID-19, Y/n and Hermione haven't been able to spend time together. She made sure to keep her distance and wear a mask. Even though they were quarantined in the same home, she still had to make runs to the Wizarding world, and they hadn't adapted as quickly to the virus as the rest of the world has.

As much as Hermione wanted to kiss her wife and hug her again, she didn't want to get her sick, who knows if it would kill her. There is so much the world doesn't know yet.

It didn't help that she has been keeping up on the news and updates about the virus. The stories she's read had her imagination running wild. People being put on ventilators, all alone in a hospital with no familiar faces.

She can almost hear the heart monitor as it beats in a natural rhythm. The smell of sanitation wafted through her nose as she quickly shook her head from all those thoughts.

Her daydreams were slowly becoming waking nightmares.

Hermione took a deep breath and sat up from her bed, walking over to the desk in the corner. She double-checked that she had indeed sent a copy of their marriage certificate to the ministry.

All they needed to do was sign off on it, and then send an agreement document back for Y/n to sign. Where she swears to keep the secret of their world or be Obliviated. Which...wasn't ideal with Hermione's whole 'saving Y/n' plan.

Speaking of that plan. She hasn't been able to send her latest potion to Dr.Pinhall for testing. He and most of the Wizarding doctors have been working on a cure for COVID-19 for their world. So, she had to wait, much to her dismay.

Her phone rattled on the nightstand, which made Hermione quickly walked back over and picked it up. She hoped it was Dr.Pinhall, so the stress of testing was out of her mind completely.

Nucly: Come to my room, I'm bored

Hermione sighed softly as she sat on her bed, her thumbs hovering over the digital keyboard. She didn't want to say 'no', but she had to. Y/n knows this, yet still tries to coax her into taking risks. Risks they can't afford.

Me: You know I can't

Nucly: Fine, at least sit with me in the hallway?

Me: Alright, but if you try inching closer again, I'll go back to my room.

Nucly: You're no fun 🙄

Hermione chuckled to herself at the reply. Y/n made it very well known that she hated the isolation, always dramatically sighing when she passed by her wife's room. So, as a way to spend time with each other, and save Hermione from the random scares when Y/n would sigh loudly randomly throughout the day and night. They began to sit six feet apart in the hallway, sometimes for an hour or two, but mostly for more than half the day when they weren't busy.

The brunette set her phone back on the nightstand and grabbed one of the hundreds of masks lying around her room. Honestly, she should throw some of these away. When she slipped on the mask and stepped out into the hallways, she was surprised to find Y/n already sitting in her usual spot on the floor.

"You're already out here? Have you been waiting for me?" Hermione asked with a smile as she sat down on the floor, to which Y/n rolled her eyes.

"No. I just happened to be out here when I asked you" Y/n said, but it wasn't hard to tell that, that was a bold face lie. Hermione's smile grew as she pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin atop them.

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