James (XVII)

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  I leave the block, heading towards where Emily is. It takes about five minutes before I realize that I have no idea where she is right now. If I go looking for her in the whole of Moonsland, the day will be over and I won't even have searched half the city. If we add in the likelihood of them being in Mandsvield, then we'd be old and I'd still be looking. I pull the car over and pick up my cell phone to call Emily's mother, who must be the only one who knows where she is, apart from her, of course. But I remember again that I'm not a character in a movie and I forgot to ask for her number when I went there for dinner, and today. How I love forgetting basic things like that.

  I arrive at Emily's house in just a few minutes, since the distance between her house and Amy's isn't very long (and because I've broken half a dozen traffic regulations on the way). I ring the doorbell again, this time psychologically calmer but physically sweatier.
- Hello, James! - Emily's mother greets me.
- Hello, Mrs. Ellen. - I stand corrected. - You told me to talk to Emily, but you didn't tell me where she was now.
- You're right. - tell me. - She and Lisa went to the mall. Did you ever talk to Amy?
- Yes, I'll tell you all about it later. I'm going to the mall now, thanks! - I said thank you, running to the car.
- Drive slowly! - shouts Emily's mother from the doorway.
- "Yes," I say from the car window. I think we both know that, when I'm no longer in his field of vision, I'm going to accelerate until I can't anymore. When I'm almost there, I go through the traffic light just as it changes to red and, halfway through the intersection, I look to the right out of force of habit and see a car coming towards me at high speed, which makes me brake immediately out of pure reflex. The other car passes right in front of me, beeping, and I stand still for a few seconds, trying to recover from the fright I've just had.
  I arrive alive at the mall shortly afterwards and enter through the V.I.P. zone, because then I don't have to park my car. I give the key to the driver and rush into the mall. This mall is one of the largest ever created in history. The whole thing was designed by a group of architects and designers to give the maximum comfort and pleasure to people passing through. From the plants to the fountains and even the type of wood used on the floor. All carefully chosen.
  I leave the expensive area of the mall, because I know Emily won't be there. Even I don't buy anything there, so I don't think Emily is stupid enough to accept being mugged legally. I pass three women's clothing stores and I can't find her. This mall is huge, but there has to be somewhere she likes to go the most. What if it's the restaurant? Usually, the food court is the best part of any mall, if you exclude the cinema. The problem is that, compared to where I am, the food court is on the other side of the mall and I can't stand my legs anymore, so I walk like a normal person. I pass the women's, men's, baby, electronics, furniture and games stores and finally I reach the food court. This area is one of the largest in the mall. It's a completely open space with four floors, in the shape of a half-moon, with a large fountain in the middle of the ground floor. All the floors are decorated with wood, leaves and gold tones that add a touch of genius. From down here, I can see that all the floors are full of people, but I can't identify them.
  If everything were perfect, I'd go up to the second floor and after an intense search I'd find her talking to her friend in a corner I hadn't looked at yet, but the reality is different. I search and search, I feel eyes on me and I can't find who I want. I get back in the elevator and go to the second floor. When I go to ask a waitress if she has seen her, through a photo, I see her among all those people, like someone who sees the moon in a clear starry sky. Her glow is different and her smile enchants me. I go over to the table where she's sitting with Lis and make my presence felt with a forced cough:
- Emily, can we talk?
- James? You're all sweaty, have you been following me? - she says, clearly trying to show that she's upset, but without much result.
- Yes, no, I mean... yes, but no. - I try to explain.
- Are you kidding me? - she asks me, I think she's really getting upset now. I don't know what to say.
- No! It's just that I went to your house and you weren't there, so I took the opportunity to talk to your mother and then...
- Smart, she spoke directly to her mother-in-law. - Lisa interrupts me.
- Sorry, carry on James. - Emily tells me, after elbowing Lis in the arm.
- Can I sit down? It's just that I'm really tired, I don't think I'd run for my life.
- Of course you can. - says Emily, blushing.
- And then... I'd better tell you in private. - I say, looking at Lis.
- I'm going to get something for dessert, even though I haven't finished lunch yet. - says Lis.
I sit down in her place, facing Emily and continue:
- Your mother told me to clear things up with Amy, since she was the cause of our quarrel, I went to her and said that I didn't feel the same way about her and that I was willing to excuse her, because she was drunk, if it didn't happen again.
- And her...?
- She said she was attracted to me and other unrelated things.
- And you came here to tell me about it?
- No, I wanted to make sure that everything was okay with us, since Amy and I don't have anything. Not that we do, but I just wanted to clear things up. - I mean. Am I supposed to say that I like her? Am I supposed to say that I know she likes me? Do I have any confirmation that she even likes me? She has her hand on the table, should I touch her or is that too much, knowing that we've just reconciled (I think)? Do I look her in the eye or not? If I look, I show dominance, if I don't, I don't show confidence in my words. I don't know what to do. I'm starting to panic; I can't stand this forced smile any longer. I take off the smile and finally say:
- Emily, I...
- Sorry, but I'm really hungry. I hope you had time to talk. - says Lisa, with a half-melted ice cream in her hand.
I get out of Lisa's seat and sit down next to her.
- James was going to say something. - Emily says. I can't tell her I like her in front of her friend. I have to make something up.
- No, yes... I was going to ask if we were all right...
- I think you're going to have to try a little harder. - he tells me, with a teasing smile.
- ...and if you wanted to go to the planetarium with me tomorrow. - I wasn't going to ask her, but I remembered that she would probably like to go. The problem is: I don't have the tickets and I have to get them by tomorrow. Calado was a poet.
- Are you kidding? - he asks enthusiastically. - I've always wanted to go to the planetarium!
- I thought so, that's why I bought them. - I'm lying again. If I don't get them, I'd rather bury myself alive than tell you the truth.
- Weren't they very expensive?
I have no idea how much they cost, so I'll improvise. I can't get any worse than I already am.
- Don't worry about the money. I'll text you all the information later. - I say, getting up.
- Thank you, James. - says Emily, getting up and hugging me, her arms around my shoulders.
- Goodbye JJ. - says Lis with her mouth full. She was really hungry, poor thing.
What's next? Where do Iget the tickets?

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