Emily (XXI)

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  - I swear to you. What a day. - I say to Lis as we enter the theater.
- Is that why you were absent yesterday? - he asks me, looking like he's starting to connect the dots.
- Maybe...
- Good morning, teacher! - we both said in chorus as we approached Professor Marie.
- Good morning! - I reciprocate.
- Friend, go ahead, I need to talk to the teacher," I say, stopping in front of the performing arts teacher.
- Okay! - she replies, heading for the dressing rooms.
- Prof, I have a friend who wants to take part in theater, but he's not from TCVA (Theater, Cinema and Various Arts).
- No? Then what course is it? - he asks me.
- APL.
- And you want to take part? Do you think he's good?
  If I talk about the bet, it's very likely that she'll reject it straight away and be offended, thinking that I'm playing with her work.
- I think it is. I think his personality would work well in theater, but the teacher knows best.
- I want to see him, then. Where is he?
- He should be here any minute. I arranged for him to be here at this time. - I say, looking at my wrist as if I had a watch. Shortly afterwards, James appears at the door of the theater, followed by other students from my class to get in, since he doesn't have a card.
- Good morning, I'm sorry I'm late. - he says, his voice a little hoarse. A voice that strangely attracts me.
- Professor James Wilson. James, Professor Marie Helene.
- Nice to meet you. - he says, extending his hand and shaking it.
- I've seen you here with Emily, I thought you were from the arts too. Looks like Emily's been breaking a few rules. - she says, looking at me with a smile. My luck is that since I came with James, I've managed to have an even better relationship with Marie. - So, why do you want to take part in the theater? - asks James. Don't mention the bet. Don't mention the bet. Don't mention the bet. I just remembered that I didn't tell her what to say if she asked.
- As well as studying for school, I like to learn new skills, even if they're of no use to me in the future, like learning to solve magic cubes. - he replies. I think I underestimated him, because it was obvious he wasn't going to talk about the bet. He never disappoints.
- And what else do you do? - he asks interested. Even I'm interested to see if he does anything I don't know.
- The most useful, I think, is playing the piano. - he says. I don't think you want to brag about everything you can do.
- But that's perfect. We hadn't yet cast anyone in the lead role, because no one can play and act, and we were having problems with that.
- But I can play, but not act. - he says, laughing.
- You'll come out of here knowing how to do one more thing. - says Marie, touching James' shoulder. - By the way, Emily, I took care of the replacements yesterday and you're taking Taylor's role.
- But isn't that the main female role? - I ask, amazed.
- Yes, you know I would have put you in that role if you had signed up earlier. Since you did it too late, I only got you this weaker role, so if anything happens to her, which hopefully it won't, you'll be the one playing it. - I didn't expect you to be in charge of replacing Taylor at all. My luck is that my character isn't very relevant, so I can memorize everything. Anyway, it's like the teacher said... no one's ever been absent on the day of the play, so the likelihood of me actually playing her part is very low.
- Will you tell the other people that I'm going to announce who's going to have to replace who, please? - ask me.
- I'm going and I'm moving out. - I reply. - Shall we talk later? - I ask James.
- Sure, go on. - he replies, smiling.
  As I'm approaching the stage, I hear Marie telling James that she thinks we're a cute couple, but I can't stop halfway, so I can't hear James' reply. If he asked me to marry him, I'd say yes, but I refuse to say that we're a couple without being asked. Not that I'm expecting a proposal, because we haven't talked about our kiss yet, but I'm not going to say it's something I don't want.

  - Tell me, my friend! - Lis makes me sit down next to her.
- Not here. - I say, taking her hand and leading her to a spot behind the stage, with no one around. - Yes, I missed yesterday because I was asleep until five in the afternoon.
- Five? - He's surprised.
- Yeah, and I only slept tonight because I took a sleeping pill, otherwise I wouldn't have slept.
- And what have you been doing with him to get him to sleep until then?
- Look, we went to the planetarium, as he had invited me to do at the mall. He texted me at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon to say he'd pick me up at home at ten, the planetarium opened at midnight and he'd drop me back home at eight in the morning. So...
- Wait, wait. - He interrupts me. - Let me get this straight. He picked you up at ten and took you to the planetarium, which is on the other side of Mandsvield, which only opens at midnight...
- "Yes," I say.
- And they had eight hours in the planetarium?
- No, that's the best part. First, we made a bet that he lost, then he's going to take part in our theater...
- I CAN'T! - she screams, then covers her mouth with both hands.
- Uh-huh. - I mumble.
- That's just incredible, Emily. He seems perfect for you.
- When we left the planetarium, he took me to a nearby mountain, where we watched Mandsvield. And you could still see Moonsland from afar. It was incredible. - I say, imagining the moment.
- I doubt they spent hours looking at the view.
- Right.
- Did you...? - he asks me, covering his mouth again.
- No. - I say, tapping Emily on the shoulder. - But I wouldn't mind. - I say, smiling.
- Tell me what happened! - she says, almost jumping for joy.
- First, he gave me some clothes he had to exchange for the dress I was wearing, which was beautiful by the way, but I'll have to show you later, because I was afraid the rock would ruin it. Then it looked like it was on purpose, but I couldn't unfasten the dress, so he came behind the car to help me and held it up while I put on the top, which had nothing on. Afterwards we talked and so on, and maybe there was a little kiss.
- I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! - he lets out with joy. - Was it good?
- I was nervous and afraid he wouldn't like it or reciprocate, but it was good. I think he liked it too and... I think I'm in love.
- So, you're dating? - he asks me innocently.
- No... I don't know... yes... no... I don't know. - I answer, while still trying to figure out what we are.
- Make up your mind, girlfriend. - she tells me, laughing.
- No, because he hasn't asked me to marry him yet, but I think the kiss was like a commitment, I don't know. - I reply. - I have to talk to him about it.
- I'm really happy for you, friend. - she says, hugging me. - You deserve to be happy and he seems perfect for you.
- Thank you, really. Now let's go to class, otherwise Marie will kill us. - We laugh.
  When we get back to class, I look at the theater seats and I don't see James. He must have already gone to his class.
- Emily! - I hear the teacher calling me from the front row of the stage.
- "Yes?" I ask, as I walk up to her.
- You're going to be my assistant, sit here. - she informs me, placing her hand on the chair to her right.
- Helper? - I ask. I expected it to be anyone but me.
- Yes, I like you and you're good at acting. Your role is small, so you won't be on stage a lot. That way you can memorize your lines and Taylor's, and you can help me teach those who have more difficulties. - Tell me. - And James sent me his timetable, so now I'm going to send him the timetable for our classes and talk to the teachers in his classes, to see if there are any problems.
- There shouldn't be, he's a very good student. - I add.
- You're no different, that's why you look good together. - he says, picking up the computer and putting it on his lap. - Here we go sending emails to these teachers. - he adds, sighing.
- So, he's coming to train with us on Thursday, isn't he?
- Yes," she confirms. - Class, I'd ask you all to memorize well and practice the lines of the characters you've been asked to replace at home, because the thing I'd least like is for us to be ready for the play in December and for someone to be absent on the day and the person replacing them not to know any of the lines because they trusted that nothing would happen. I know it's very unlikely, but in many cases I don't have anyone else, so if they don't know, I have to tell the whole school and the parents that the play isn't going to happen because someone's missing, and then I'm the one who looks bad to everyone. That said, let's get practicing. First scene, you can start when you're ready.

I text James in the middle of class, while the teacher is on stage telling him how to act in a scene:
Emily - Hi! Are you coming to camp? (11:40)
James - From the theater? (11:41)
Emily - Uhum (11:41)
James - Isn't that too much to ask? I'm already at the theater... (11:41)
Emily - Oh, I thought... (11:41)
James - Just kidding... I can go. But what's the information? (11:42)
Emily - Ah ok, haha. Let's see if I can find it (11:42)
James - Okayy (11:42)
Emily - On November 14th at 9am, here at school, we'll take some vans and go to the site. We'll stay there on the 14th, 15th and 16th and come back on the 17th in the morning. You can bring whatever you want and it doesn't cost anything. I think that's it. (11:45)
James - I don't see why not. Do you just show up or do you have someone to talk to? (11:46)
Emily - You have to sign a paper with Marie, in case something happens. (11:46)
James - Okay, when I practice the play with you, I'll take care of it. (11:46)
Emily - Deal ;) (11:46)
James - ;) (11:47)

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