James (XII)

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  My two anatomy classes have just finished, so I'm going to take advantage of the library hour to sign up for a club like Betty suggested a while ago.
  The library is quite interesting, because they've tried to reconcile modern technology, which is the theme of the whole school, with the architecture of old libraries, made of dark wood. To the right of the entrance is the desk of the librarians who, contrary to the cliché, are women in their thirties. The library is huge and is divided into different sections. The school books section, the non-school books section and, finally, the most difficult section to see: the important documents section. Why does my school have important documents? In Moonsland there is no municipal library, because the municipal library is included in this library, since the school belongs to the government, one of the two reasons why this school is so technological and large. The second reason is the checks that rich parents give to the school for their children to pass the grade.
  In the central corridor, there are tables for studying or reading with tablets built into the tables, with adjustable positions, which can also be used for studying. On both sides there are bookshelves, on the left for school books and on the right for non-school books, with a secret door that only students with access to the important documents room know about. Needless to say, few people have this access. Only politicians, philanthropists, big businessmen and others in high positions and their immediate family, who lose their right to the card if they don't prove themselves 'worthy' of it every eighteen months.
  I go to the staff table and, of the options I'm given, theater seems the best: Basketball, soccer, futsal, tennis, badminton, swimming, chess, mathematical games and so many other options that, if I were to name them all, I'd be writing the equivalent of the Harry Potter books. The problem is that I probably can't act. I've never done it, but if I don't talk to a person normally, then I won't know how to act, but I can try. Maybe in a week or two...
- James? Is that really you? - I hear from behind me. I don't recognize the voice.
  I look in the direction of the deep voice and see a boy of about fifteen, a little shorter than me. I don't know who he is.
- I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. - I confess, a little uncomfortably.
- It's me, Garion! - he introduces himself, holding out his hand to greet me.
- I don't believe it! What are you doing here? - I ask, astonished.
- I moved back here a few months ago.
  I met Garion at a charity event where his family was one of those being helped financially due to some difficulties they were going through and, while our parents were talking, we became best friends. From then on, my parents started paying for Garion to go to summer camps with me so that we would never lose touch, but the truth is that, after months of not physically being together, our friendship began to fade little by little, because there were no interesting topics of conversation for both of us.
- And you're only telling me now? - I ask, shaking his hand.
- Sorry, I didn't remember! And you, buddy, what have you been up to?
- I... shall we sit down? - I ask, pointing to a table. - I feel like we have a lot to talk about.
When we sat down, I continued what I was going to say:
- I've been doing some things I never thought I'd do; I don't even know where to start.
- We hadn't seen each other for what? - He pauses to think. - Four years?
- Most likely. So, how's your life? - I ask, interested.
- It's..." he replied, inhaling. - ...incredible!
- Did your eyes just light up like: I have a girlfriend?
- So... - He pauses for a moment. - ...I have. We've been dating since March 8th, so just do the math. Seven months already. - he says, smiling.
- Wow, congratulations! But what's she like, where's she from and is she the same age as you? - I ask, effusively.
- She... she's incredible and simply beautiful. I don't even know what to say, honestly. It's been seven months and it doesn't seem like it, because it's only been a short time and we've already talked about everything. When I spend time with her, I feel so good... she just understands me and it's so easy to talk to her. The conversation flows so easily, we spend hours talking as if nothing happened and... sorry, I've turned this into a monologue.
- No, you can talk, I can see you're really happy and that makes me happy. Has anything happened, like a kiss or anything else?
- It's like this... - He pauses for longer. - That's the only problem. Not a problem, but an obstacle. This may sound crazy, but she's from Mandsvield (1) , one of the furthest areas from here.
- Wow, so you have an online relationship? - I ask. I have a few doubts.
- In theory, yes, but I hate to call it that. For me, it's a relationship like any other, but we don't have... the luck that other ordinary couples have.
- Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Do they make calls and stuff?
- Yes, we do video calls whenever we can, but let's stop talking about me. How's your life?
- Mine has changed a bit in recent years too, I think. You know it's never been easy for me to make friends, but I've made a few lately and it's been amazing.
- And with your parents, is everything all right?" he asks me.
- Yes, the same problems you know, but I think I've coped well with the adversities that have arisen. Back to you... - I say, laughing. - Do you know how you're going to meet your beloved? Which, apparently, is a long way off and you've still got fifteen to go.
- About your parents, you know you can talk to me if you need to, right? The number is the same. As for my girlfriend, the idea we had was for me to get my license and go there, but we have some problems, like the car. Having a license doesn't mean having a car and, as you know, I don't swim in money like you do. - We laughed. - And to be honest, I don't even know if I can wait that long. It's killing me.
- And have you talked to her about it? About it being hard for you not to have touch and stuff? - Garion, unlike me, needs touch. He's used to greeting people with two kisses, hugging everyone he likes and showing his affection physically. The only person he accepts not having that touch is me, because he knows I'm the opposite.
- No, I didn't. - Answer. - I think I'm afraid of how she'll react or that she'll think I'm going to leave her for someone else, I don't know.
- But aren't you open to talking to each other? - I ask.
- We have.
- Then you have to talk about your problems too. Not just the good things. - I advise. I love giving advice, but not so much following it.
- I know, but it's easy to say, the problem is to do.
- I must have a solution for you. - I say.
- What do you mean? - he asks me, confused.
- I can take you there. I have a license... and a car. - I say, winking at him.
- It's not necessary. I mean, I don't know. If you want...
- It doesn't have to be now, calm down. - I reassure. - When you're both ready, let me know and, if there's nothing to do, I'll take you there.
- Thank you very much! - thank you.
When I take his hand to say goodbye after we get up, he pulls me by the shoulder and hugs me.
- Thank you very much. You're a good friend. - Thank you again.
- You're welcome. So are you. Well, I have to go, but I'll talk to you later by message or something.

  Leaving the library, I see Amy passing in the corridor, who greets me when she sees me.
- James! I'm glad to see you. - he says, as he walks up to me. - I wanted to give you this.
- And 'this', is it? - I ask, picking up an envelope he's handed me.
- It's just the invitation to the best party ever, aka my eighteenth birthday party. The details are in the letter. - she says hurriedly. - Now I have to go, I have a few more invitations to deliver. - She says goodbye, trying to kiss me on the cheek, but without success, because I pulled away just in time.
  I ignore what has just happened and, when I can no longer see Amy, I open the envelope to read the letter.

My dear ones,

  As you know, it's my birthday this Friday, October 21, and I'd like to invite you to the biggest party of the year. I'm talking, of course, about my birthday party for my friends, the next day at my house. If you don't know where my house is, follow me on my social networks and you'll find out. If you don't know my social media, you probably got this invitation by mistake. The party will start around 9pm and will end when we get tired.

P.s. You don't have to buy a present.

I look forward to seeing you,
Love from your dear Amy

  Under normal circumstances I wouldn't accept, but since I'm trying to change.... Looks like I have plans for Saturday night.

1 - Town bordering Moonsland, mentioned in Chapter V

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