1. i have a brother.

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Moving to a new school seemed more like relief than a nightmare. It seemed hopeful and new. Y/N supposed that was what her brother felt as well. It helped her to feel connected to him in a way unlike any other time she had dreamt of him. She was excited and nervous, holding onto every bit of love in her heart that it would be the day she had always dreamed of.

Hogwarts seemed like the most perfect place in the world. Full of people like her that no one in her hometown even dared to try to include as normal. It seemed like a fantasy to her. It reminded her of endless nights in the girls' homes where she would be lying in bed, only to have the other girls toss wads of paper and even some of their toys at her.

"You're such a freak," they would all say. "Maybe you should just stay asleep this time. Don't even bother to wake up." In those moments, Y/N wished that she wouldn't. She pleaded with everything in her to never wake up and have to face those horrible girls again. To her dismay, she always woke up. The bright beaming sun that cascaded through the stained glass windows became her enemy rather than a pleasing morning sight.

Now, everything would take a turn for the better.

Her wonderful brother that Hagrid had nearly waxed poetry about was waiting at this new school, thinking he had no other family than his nasty aunt and uncle, and that horrible nuisance of a cousin Dudley. Y/N imagined him beaming when he found out that she was his sister. His twin sister, nonetheless. She hadn't even met him yet and knew instantaneously that she adored him.

She carried a small portion of guilt with her for not being cursed like he was. She felt as though it were not fair, and that maybe he would dislike her for not being harmed that night like he was. She hoped her brother's desire for real family would cloud that darkness. She hoped that she could cloud that darkness.

"Hagrid," Y/N spoke meekly, her head turned toward the cobblestone walkway beneath her feet. "You said my brother is a legend in the wizarding world. Can you tell me exactly why?" Hagrid let out a small chuckle as he treaded along the pathway with his large feet, towering over all of the other people in Diagon Alley.

"Well, I already relayed the story of when your brother survived that curse, so I'm supposing you want to hear about what he's up to at Hogwarts, ay?" he asked with an amused lilt to his voice. Y/N nodded and grasped her cauldron closer to her chest. "Your brother is an exceptional student at Hogwarts. Not necessarily for his academics or his spell-casting, but for his bravery. Harry doesn't hesitate, no he does not. In fact, he's saved Hogwarts before the teachers there could even step foot to the scene! He's a natural born hero. Since you're siblings, I imagine you're the same way. I already see much of Harry in you." Y/N's grin blossomed upon her face hearing Hagrid speak such high praise of her brother.

"I'm excited to meet him, Hagrid," she said softly, her eyes flitting about the signs hanging in front of the many shops.

"I know you are," Hagrid said endearingly. "Just remember, he has no idea you're going to be there! He doesn't even know he has a sister! So when you see him, don't bombard him else you might spook him. He's a skeptical kid, he is." Y/N nodded, sighing from her impatience. She had gone years not knowing she had a brother, either, but she was absolutely ecstatic to see him.

"I still need to get a few more supplies, Hagrid," she said, counting the few she had gotten so far in their hands. "Do you mind if I go into this shop behind me?"

"You go on ahead, dear! I'm going to go grab something from a store myself. Dumbledore keeps me busy down at Hogwarts, tending to it and all," he gave her a light pat on the shoulder and trudged on to where he had in mind, and Y/N smiled as she turned to enter the store behind her.

A small bell rang out signifying her entrance, and a broom in the corner swept at some spare dust on the floor. Y/N smiled excitedly, so relieved to be seeing something that felt right to her. She approached the shelves, brushing her fingers on the spines of many textbooks.

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