15. the exam results.

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Y/N was bubbling over with excitement as she ran through the halls to find where Harry or Hermione had gone off to. She had been waiting anxiously for a week for her exam results to come in. Hermione had watched her aimlessly pace around their dorm for days.

She ran past other students and gripped the papers in her hand like they were going to disappear.

"What's got you in such a rush?" Fred asked from across the hall. Y/N halted immediately and ran toward them, nearly toppling them over.

"I passed the exam!" she shouted gleefully. They picked her up onto their shoulders and cheered for her to themselves.

"Spectacular!" they chorused. She felt as though she could cry from her sheer happiness.

"How well did you do?" George asked as they lowered her back to the ground. She jumped back and forth on her two feet and vibrated with joy.

"Flying colors!" she managed through happy laughs. "Professor McGonagall said they all would've thought I'd have been a fourth year already!" Fred and George whooped for her and ruffled her hair.

"That's great, Y/N!" Fred congratulated her. "You've been working real hard at that, you deserve it." She gave them both a bright smile and squealed.

"Have you happened to see Harry or Hermione?" she asked, unable to contain her glee.

"Out on the bridge," they said. She nodded and gave them both a tight hug, which they returned.

"Gotta go!" she called as she ran off again toward the bridge.

She nearly tripped over her own feet about three times, but she couldn't seem to care. She hoped Harry and Hermione would be proud of her, and that they'd be just as happy as she was.

Her arm was grabbed, and she expected a Professor—namely Snape—to be there.

It wasn't. Sadly.

"What's got you in such a hurry?" Draco asked in near disgust as he looked down at her. His eyes flicked over to her papers and he straightened. "Your exam results, I presume?" She yanked her arm away and shifted her weight onto one foot.

"Yes," she responded snarkily. "Why does it matter?" He raised his brows and tried to hide a smirk.

"Why are you in such a sour mood now?" he asked amusedly. "Is it wretched?" She scoffed and crossed her arms, careful of the papers in her hand.

"No," she said dryly. "I did wonderfully." He nodded once and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"How well?" he asked. She narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth. What's it to him?

"I don't see why that's any of your business," she spat. He chuckled under his breath and looked to the ceiling, then back to her expectantly. "You really think I'm just going to be all kind and willing after you looked at me like a stain the other day?" He raised a brow curiously.

"I don't know what you mean," he stated plainly. She rolled her eyes and took a step closer as she tilted her chin upward to meet his eyes.

"I'm not someone to mess around with," she told him firmly. His eyes darkened as he matched her steps forward.

"Really?" he drawled. "There you were, bemoaning about how troubled you were over the pitiful boys asking you on dates. Then, you were arm-in-arm with George Weasley in the hallway." She sneered at him. "You're not subtle." She shook her head angrily.

"He was only being kind," she said through her teeth. He looked pleased by her growing irritation. She hated it. "What are you implying? Why would that be so important to you, anyway? That's not even what we were discussing." He had a disgustingly charming glint in his eyes that she wished she could ignore.

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