19. the letter.

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Y/N was sad to learn that Harry wouldn't be coming with her to stay with Sirius. He had gone to the girls' home and adopted her, which he had said Madam Harriet had laughed about at first, then tried to say that she had already been adopted.

Thankfully, he wouldn't take it and threatened to have the place shut down for abuse if she didn't hand over the adoption forms. She begrudgingly did so, and Y/N was glad to know that Sirius had become her legal guardian. She hoped that Harry could soon get away from their horrible aunt and uncle to be taken in by Sirius, as well.

They were in a small room at the train station, hiding from stray eyes to protect Sirius. Sadly, he was still wanted.

"It's so wonderful to see you two next to one another again," Sirius said to them, a hand on each of their faces. "And I'm so glad to have been able to adopt you, Y/N." She wrapped her arms around him gratefully.

"Thank you," she told him. "You saved me." He petted her head and chuckled.

"Anything for one of my two favorite children," he said softly. She pulled away, and Harry looked sad.

"I best get going," he said. "Aunt Petunia is surely throwing a fit waiting for me." Y/N jumped into his arms for a large hug and felt her heart ache.

"I don't want to be separated from you again," she whispered. He squeezed her comfortingly.

"It won't be long," he told her. "I swear it." She nodded and hesitantly pulled away, and he gave her a tight-lipped smile as he slowly walked out of the room.

"Ready to go to your new home?" Sirius asked from behind her. She turned to face him with a small smile and nodded.

"Please," she said.

He morphed into a dog, which looked quite scraggly but in a cute way. She opened the door for him, and he led the way. She followed him out of the train station and down the street.

The people they passed looked at her like she was lost, but she held her head high instead of looking shy to avoid anyone asking questions. Thankfully, likely because of that, no one approached her.

Soon, they got to a large division of buildings that were filled with muggle families. Sirius looked around warily, then transformed back.

"Alright," he said as he shook himself off, "we're here." She looked around and fidgeted with the handle of her cart.

"Here?" she asked. "In a muggle complex?" He laughed. Y/N was very confused.

"No," he said gently. "Watch this." He turned back to the buildings and watched for anyone nearby, but there wasn't. No one inside the buildings was paying attention either, mainly because most of them would've been at work by then.

Sirius took his wand and bent down to the ground, then tapped it against the ground three times. The buildings slowly began to pull apart as the ground rumbled, but no one seemed to mind the stir.

Y/N watched in awe as it happened. She let go of her cart and took a step forward as she marveled at it.

"I love magic," she said softly. Sirius grabbed her cart and began to walk toward the newly revealed steps.

"As do I," he said happily. "Come along, now." Y/N followed him to the door, and they entered the space.

She walked in and felt the cool air of the small apartment in contrast to the hot air outside, and she sighed in relief.

"I'll go put this in your room," he said. "Make yourself at home. We have some visitors." Y/N smiled and watched as he left, then began to roam.

She let her fingers trail the walls, which held photographs of many people. Sirius, she assumed, when he was younger. A few other people. And her mother and father. She saw a moving photograph of them dancing together. There was one next to it of them holding herself and Harry when they were newly born.

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