4. who does he think he is?

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After the dinner in the Great Hall, Hermione, Ron, and Harry insisted on showing Y/N around the castle a bit before bedtime, but she waved them off and instead told them she wanted to roam it herself a bit in silence because of how overwhelming the day had been. The three nodded in understanding and waved goodbye, but not without Harry giving her the biggest and longest hug she had gotten in her whole life. She appreciated it a lot. Hermione made sure to give her directions to their dorms for afterward.

She was simply marveling at the many arches and the way the almost fully black sky made the castle look so elegant. It was magical enough as a sight. Hogwarts had already turned into a place she never wanted to leave.

How could she even think of returning to Madame Harriet's? Was there any way she could avoid it? Maybe Hagrid could adopt her. Or Ron's mother! With enough persuasion, surely she could get through to someone.

She turned a corner as she ran her hand along the cool walls and bumped into someone on accident. She was just about to apologize when she was interrupted by the person.

"Just who I wanted to find," they said coolly. She looked up, startled, and sighed when she saw the blond from earlier. "Y/N Potter. I didn't know you were real." Y/N rolled her eyes and went to turn away, but the blond boy was much quicker. He stepped back in front of her.

"You just saw the whole presentation in the Great Hall, of course I'm real, you numptie," she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Why do you find it so intriguing to speak to me?" He chuckled and tilted his head with a coy grin.

"Oh, I don't know," he drawled bitterly. "I want to know what you're doing here." Y/N raised a brow and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Was this guy stupid?

"What exactly would I be here for? I came here to find my brother," she explained slowly. "Y'know, if you didn't catch that from the reunion in the Great Hall earlier." He shook his head and tutted.

"Perhaps," he sighed. "But I caught what the Sorting Hat said about your 'battles,' Potter. So, tell me about them. What are you really here for? What are you running from? Or did you just get wind of your brother's triumphs and popularity and want a little bit of the spotlight for yourself?" Y/N felt her skin burn from anger. She wanted to pull the boy by his icy blond hair and throw him away from her.

"How dare you imply that?" she spat. "I am here because I need to be. That is all that you are obligated to know." She angrily tried to push past him, but he grabbed her by the arm before she could escape.

"If you think you're going to get by easily just because you're a girl, then you're wrong, Potter," he threatened her through his teeth. "The amount of hell I give your brother is the same I'll give you." She jerked her arm out of his grasp and faced him again. She refused to look weak in front of any new attacker. She had had enough of those in her life. This boy would feel every bit of the rage she had held onto for years.

Years of being tossed around, thrown into walls, shoved to the ground. Kicked in the ribs, slapped across the face, and slammed into porcelain. It would not happen again at the one place she was promised safety and comfort. Not again. Hagrid told her she would be safe here.

"If you ever touch me again," she spoke lowly, "or even so much as look at me crossly, I'll make sure to return the favor for the years I've been gone." She felt her rage spill past the edges of her teeth, sharp and foul. His face contorted into fear, but only for a few seconds. He quickly composed himself.

"You should watch your mouth," he replied simply, curtly. Likely not knowing what else to say.

"You should watch your back," she retorted as she quickly whirled around and ended the conversation. She heard him scoff behind her. Stuck up prick.

She angrily headed back to her dormitory, trying her best to keep her head clear so she could use the directions Hermione had given her earlier to go to the correct place.

She thought back to what the boy had said about giving her brother hell, and she realized that he must have been the Draco Malfoy boy that her friends were going on about in Diagon Alley when she had first met them. They were right, he was foul and cruel. She immediately knew who she despised.

He reminded her of the many nights she spent in the girls' home, bruised and beaten, crying to herself in her bed. Being taunted by people that thought her existence was humorous. She scowled to herself. It seemed that no matter how far she ran, she would never truly escape the bitterness of the world.

She finally reached the common room, not really having full recollection of exactly how she had miraculously gotten there. She had been fuming too intensely.

"Y/N! There you are!" Harry called out, rushing forward from his place on the sofa. He hurriedly approached her and grasped her by her shoulders. "I was so worried, we all were! What's wrong? You look so angry." Y/N sighed and fell forward into Harry's arms. He welcomed her kindly and patted her back.

"I had a run-in with someone very unpleasant," she grumbled. Harry perked up and pulled away. His eyes hardened and his lips curled down into a frown.

"Was someone rude to you?" he asked seriously. Y/N let out a humorless laugh. She trudged over to the sofa in front of the fireplace and sat by Hermione. Harry sat on her opposite side.

"'Rude,' is a nice way to put it," she sighed. "He threatened me." Harry's fists clenched. "I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting Draco Malfoy." Ron groaned and plopped backward onto the couch.

"Of course he'd go after you right after the sorting ceremony," he bemoaned. "What did he say? That you're on his list too since you're a Potter?" Y/N shrugged.

"Basically, among other things," she replied coolly. Hermione's brows furrowed.

"What 'other things?'" she asked as she grew more angry. Y/N felt her stomach turn. She knew the rest of what Draco had said wasn't true, but saying it aloud made her fear that it sounded realistic, and that maybe Harry would believe it. She worried that in her situation it sounded true.

"He, uh," she stumbled around her words, "he said that he thinks I came here only because I heard of Harry's glory and whatnot, and that I most likely wanted a taste of it for myself."

Hermione and Ron immediately looked over to Harry, who sat still for only a few seconds. He then shot up like a rocket and bolted for the door. Hermione and Ron quickly sped after him and caught him before he reached the door and pulled him back, and Y/N watched as her brother angrily writhed and spat out curses.

"He said it on purpose, Harry!" Hermione pleaded with him.

"He's just trying to get under your skin, mate!" Ron attempted.

"He's trying to poison my sister!" Harry retaliated. As worrisome as the situation was, Y/N couldn't help but feel her heart swell upon hearing Harry call her his sister. So, she stood and calmly walked over to him. She placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Harry," she said softly. He immediately looked up at her. "I'm alright. If it makes you feel any better, I had the last word. And I told him to watch his back. I believe I won our little spat." He relaxed a bit, and Hermione and Ron released their hold on him.

"Good, I'm proud of you," he said with a sigh. "But if it happens again, I'm going after him and none of you can stop me." Y/N rolled her eyes affectionately and nodded.

"If you're willing to accept the consequences McGonagall will give you, then go for it," she retorts. He smiles and shakes his head.

"It's late, and it's your first day of school tomorrow!" Hermione says cheerfully. "We should get to bed." They all head toward the stairs, and Harry gives Y/N another large bear hug before going their separate ways.

"Hey, Y/N?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, Harry?" she replied, her cheek squished against his shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're here," he said, squeezing her tighter. "And I'm even more glad that you're my sibling. I couldn't have asked for a better one." She knew this feeling, although she had never had it before in her life. This was home. This was it.

"Me too, Harry," she replied. She pulled away and smiled gratefully, relishing in the grin on her brother's face that she had dreamt of for years.

"Goodnight," he said gently, then hurried off up the stairs to his dorm.

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