17. the third task.

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After Harry had relayed full story of the exact things he had seen and gone through at Hogwarts, he had convinced her that Voldemort was bound to come back one day. She never would've imagined that someone so horrible and dark would come back just to hurt Harry.

It also came as a shock to hear that the man that had murdered their parents was Voldemort. Everyone had tiptoed around it, and at the girls' home, they simply called him a burglar. Knowing the truth made her feel vengeful, and she wanted to fight alongside Harry to protect what they had.

He reluctantly accepted, only because he was fearful of losing her to Lord Voldemort, but then realized that she deserved to fight with him. She had lost the same.

Y/N had been released from the hospital wing months ago, and her days had been coming and going much easier. The boys had dwindled off, and she had gotten to spend plenty of time with her friends.

Professor McGonagall had given her a formal apology for how things had ended at the second task, saying she had no clue it would affect her that way. Y/N accepted it, but stayed wary of the professor in case she was used for yet another task.

She was sitting with her friends in the Great Hall for breakfast before class, and it was the day of the third task. She was worried for Harry.

"This will surely be the hardest one yet," Hermione said as she lectured Harry. "You have to be mindful." He looked up from his plate and chewed anxiously on his breakfast.

"I know that," he said. Y/N wasn't able to eat much. She kept shoving around the food on her plate. "Are you alright?" She looked up to see Harry looking at her in concern.

"Yes," she sighed. "I'm just worried for you. And a bit for me, I'll admit. I'm scared that I'll be used as bait again somehow." He reached over and grabbed her hand that held her fork, stopping her anxious fidgeting.

"I don't think they'll do that again," he assured her. "Especially not to you." She nodded, unsure, and hesitantly plucked a small bite of egg into her mouth.

"Just be careful out there, mate," Ron said in a hushed tone. "This tournament is a bloody mess." Harry nodded exasperatedly and continued eating.

"Well, it's time for class," Hermione said suddenly. "Despite everything that's going on today." Y/N stood with her and packed her things up. She leaned across the table and gave Harry a quick hug, then left with her head tucked down.

Although boys had stopped approaching her because of the Yule Ball, people were whispering about her still because of her incident after the second task. Students were assuming she was insane.

What a wonderful turn of events for her.

"Potions, right?" Hermione asked her. She kept her head down and nodded.

"Potions," she said with a sigh. Hermione gently took her hand and sent her a reassuring smile.

"Don't mind them," she said. "They're rude to stare and whisper like that." Y/N nodded.

"I know," she replied softly. "It just reminds me too much of...of home." Hermione shook her head.

"That wasn't home," she said firmly, referring to the girls' home. "Don't worry anymore. The longer you dwell on what you endured, the longer it'll be your present and future. Let it be your past." Y/N closed her eyes for a moment, using Hermione's guiding hand to keep her steady, then opened them as she looked up.

She didn't pay attention to the starers or the whisperers. She kept moving forward and sent Hermione a thankful smile. Her friend smiled back, her eyes crinkling at the edges, and had a small skip in her step.

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