20. reunion.

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The entire summer had dragged on like nails against concrete. Y/N spent days fretting over Harry and how he was holding up with the Dursleys, and if he was even alive. Surely he would've sent his poor sister a letter, wouldn't he? By now?

It had been almost three weeks. He had a better mind than to leave her hanging. At least she hoped.

All of that came crashing down when Sirius urgently knocked on her door one evening and she sat up in bed, having been staring at the walls anxiously waiting for sleep to take her once again as she thought of Harry.

"Come in," she said hesitantly. Sirius quickly entered and looked at her with a frenzied expression and hurried over to her bedside.

He sat beside her and she scooted over, and he grasped her hands in his.

"Sirius?" she asked. "What's wrong?" He swallowed thickly and shook his head lightly as he looked down, appearing to be mulling over his words in his head.

"Your brother," he began in a mutter, "he's—he's gotten himself into some trouble." Y/N's spine shot straight like it had become a rod of steel as her eyes split open.

"What kind of trouble?" she asked, close to shouting. He hesitated to answer. "Sirius!" He shushed her and gripped her hands tighter. "Has Voldemort got him again?"

"No, dear," he immediately interjected before she could fret over the idea of it. "He's used magic outside of school. Not for any otherworldly reason, of course. There was a dementor. Of course, the Ministry won't hear that. But, worse, he's been expelled from Hogwarts." Y/N gasped.

"Sirius!" she exclaimed. "That's terrible! Bring him here, now!" Sirius patted her forearms gently.

"Now, now," he said. "Not even the worst part. I reckon the reason the Ministry is so peeved is because he used the Patronus charm in front of that Dudley, his cousin. He was trying to save him. Made it a hundred times worse." Y/N pulled her arms away and pulled at her hair, an anxious habit of hers.

"Oh, Merlin," she groaned. "Why is it always him that gets himself into trouble?" He eased her hands away from her scalp and rubbed them with him own.

"Not to worry," he said, suddenly very chipper. "We've sent our very best to go get him." Y/N's eyes widened again as she paused.

"Go get him?" she repeated. He smiled. "He's coming here?" Sirius nodded. Y/N shot out of the bed. "Oh, my, God! I've got to change! And clean! And go wait by the door! And ask Mrs. Weasley if we can bake cookies together for him! Oh, please tell me she's here." Sirius nodded. "Brilliant!"

He stood and she quickly wrapped him into a hug, then he chuckled to himself and walked out the door. He pulled it to the frame, and the second she heard it click, she ran to her dresser. She pulled out a sweater and some jeans, she didn't care which, and tossed them on recklessly.

She cleaned up the room decently enough and then rushed out and into the kitchen, where Mrs. Weasley was already cooking.

"Molly!" she said excitedly. The woman turned in surprise and her face warmed at the sight of the girl.

"Oh, Y/N!" she said giddily. "I am so happy to see you out of bed and roaming about again. I see you've heard about our guests?" She nodded excitedly.

"I was wondering if we could fix up a quick batch of cookies?" she asked shyly. Mrs. Weasley laughed as if it were silly to even ask.

"Darling, of course!" she replied. "I always have dough mixed up in the fridge. Just pull it out and let it thaw a bit, then mold it however you like and stick it in the oven. I'll preheat it for you." Y/N smiled and skipped to the fridge as she clapped her hands happily. "Oh, dear! Don't get too ahead of yourself in excitement! Come wash those hands."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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