9. the first task.

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The day of the first task. Y/N was incredibly nervous for her brother, although she was still incredibly furious with him. She had been pacing about with Hermione all day. Ron and Harry had many arguments since their spat in the courtyard, and Y/N and Hermione had grown quite sick of it.

Y/N had especially grown sick of Harry giving her angry, yet pitiful looks. It made her want to cave. But, she was stronger than that.

"Dragons," Hermione fretted. "Can you believe they're going to fight dragons?" Y/N's hand scratched anxiously at her scalp.

"How is he going to fight a dragon?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I don't want to watch him die to a dragon of all things, he's fought too hard to be where he is." Hermione shook her head.

"We're not doing him any favors by worrying so much," she scolded them both. "We have to be there for him, we have to cheer him on. Because no one else is." Y/N rubbed at her face and nodded. Hermione was right.

They hurriedly rushed hand in hand toward the tent that held the champions while the other students rushed to fill the stands. The Weasley twins were taking bets on who would win or lose, possibly even die, and Y/N had to block them out to avoid further anxieties.

Y/N and Hermione rushed up to the tent and stood at its side. The vicious roars of the dragons could be heard rumbling through the ground, and Y/N winced. How in Merlin was Harry going to get out of this one?

Sure, Hagrid had told her many stories of Harry's successes and how he'd saved Hogwarts time and time again, but a dragon? Harry had been fighting against nothing remotely close to as menacing and powerful as a dragon.

"Psst!" Hermione called through the tent. Y/N hoped Harry would hear and not someone else. She was bouncing on her heels as she leaned close to the tent. "Psst!"

A shadow creeped closer to the tent, and Y/N rushed close to it.

"Harry, is that you?" she asked in an urgent whisper. Hermione practically had her face smushed up against hers.

"Yeah," he responded. He sounded winded, but Y/N knew it was likely from worry.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked. She sounded as though she didn't even want to ask. Y/N closed her eyes in fear. "Okay?" At this point, Hermione was only trying to console herself and Y/N by assuming he'd be alright.

He was Harry Potter, he'd figure it out, right? Right?

"Concentration is your best bet right now," Y/N told him, breathing heavily. "After that, just...You just have to..." Y/N trailed off, unable to even give Harry an ounce of confidence. She didn't know how in the hell to fight a dragon, let alone help Harry to. All she could think about was how she didn't want Harry to die when their last conversation had gone as it had.

"Battle a dragon," he finished, his voice hollow. Hermione looked down at her feet, her face contorted in pain. Y/N couldn't take it anymore.

She threw the fabric of the tent aside and leapt into his arms as she cried, muttering apologies into his shoulder. His hands wrapped themselves in her shirt and squeezed. He was so nervous.

"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean any of it," he whispered quickly. Suddenly, a flash went off behind them and they pulled apart.

Rita Skeeter stood there with a proud grin.

"Ah, Harry Potter's younger sister sending him off! How sweet!" she crooned. Y/N raised a brow at the unfamiliar woman. She looked over to Hermione. "And you must be his lover! Oh, how fitting. How—stirring." An enchanted quill beside her began to scribble in a book.

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