5. first day.

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Y/N awoke the next morning with a bright smile on her face. Smiling. She was smiling! Never had she woken up before and had the inclination to immediately smile. She leapt out of bed and immediately skipped over to Hermione's bed with the energy and joy of a thousand firecrackers.

"Hermione!" she called. "Hermione, wake up!" She began to shake the girl. Hermione's eyes opened and she laughed at Y/N's silly smile plastered on her face. She tossed a pillow at her face and sat upright.

"What are you on about?" Hermione asked with a chipper laugh.

"It's my first official day and I want to be ready!" she said, excitedly hopping from one foot to the other. Hermione covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughs so as to not wake the others.

"Merlin, you sound like me," she giggled. "Alright then, let's get ready. I'm sure there's already lots going on with the Triwizard Tournament at hand." Y/N squealed quietly and began to get dressed in her robes.

Once they were both ready, Y/N scurried down the stairs and pulled Hermione along with her by her hand.

"How long until Harry and Ron wake up?" Y/N asked. Hermione sighed.

"Don't count on anything," she laughed, "but usually they give themselves ten minutes to eat breakfast before classes start. They're a pain in my schedule butt." Y/N smiled.

"I'm glad I won't be, then," she replied sweetly. "Let's go!"


"To run around the halls before breakfast!"

"Oh, sweet Merlin," she complained. Y/N only tugged her further and out the doors of the common room and down the many flights of stairs. "Slow down!"

"No!" she giggled. "That's part of the fun!" Her lungs burned and her calves already ached, but she didn't care. She would make the most of this while she had it.

"And where would you be off to so early?" one of the paintings asked quizzically. Y/N stopped harshly and Hermione lurched forward, squealing.

"Exploring!" she replied giddily. "I'm really excited. You look wonderful today! The light is hitting you just right." The painting of the lady sitting on a marvelous marble bench blushed, and she waved her hand sheepishly as she smiled.

"Oh, you," she replied with a flattered chuckle. "Enjoy your endeavor. And try not to kill your friend in the process, she looks bound to collapse." Y/N looked over to Hermione, who only laughed and continued to pull Y/N further down the hall.

"Where to?" Hermione asked behind her. Y/N's grin was bound to tear it was so bright. She could feel her muscles in her cheeks become sore, but she didn't have the heart to stop.

"Anywhere!" Y/N called. Hermione laughed brightly and continued to run.

Y/N felt the air whip through her hair and around her shoulders, billowing around her robes. Her feet felt light as feathers, and the burn in her lungs and calves had dissipated. All she knew at that moment was pure euphoria.

This must be what freedom feels like, she thought. Floating on air, skating on clouds. It was as if the world had encapsulated her in a single moment and fed her everything she had ever desired as a child.

She looked over, watching as the walls beside them flurried by in an instant. Her chest filled with excitement, and her hands itched to reach and touch the sun. Suddenly, the walls disappeared.

"Hermione, wait!" she called. Hermione, who had slipped from her grasp moments ago, turned with the ghost of a smile etched upon her face. She hurried back over and clasped her hand in Y/N's.

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