3. arriving at hogwarts.

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When Y/N got to the train station, her heart was racing in excitement. She couldn't wait to finally see the wonderful school she had only dreamt about. Her cart was filled with everything she needed, including a brand new trunk, and she simply couldn't wipe the big, goofy smile off of her face.

Many families bustled about with their children, with new families tumbling through the wall of Platform 9 ¾.

Soon, she saw Hermione briskly emerge through the wall, her nose pointed in the air in a proud manner. The girl caught sight of Y/N and walked over with a smile.

"Are you excited?" she asked. "I'm sure you'll love it. And I hope you get a good House!" Y/N felt that excitement bubble up and boil over the edges.

"I'm so ready!" she said, hardly containing her giddy laughter. "I hope I get into Gryffindor with you and Harry and Ron." Hermione smiled warmly.

"Regardless, you still have friends in us," she replied. "Ah, there comes Ronald and Harry now." Behind them, Harry and Ron and the rest of the Weasleys tumbled through the Platform wall like a hurricane. Harry's owl shrieked and the Weasley twins howled with laughter.

The bunch made their way over to Y/N and Hermione, and Y/N felt her heart warm at the sight of her unknowing brother.

"Good morning, you two," Ron announced, collecting himself. "Ah! Y/N, these are my brothers, Fred and George. And my little sister, Ginny." Y/N waved shortly, a small smile on her face.

"Well, would you take a look at this beauty!" George crooned, extending his hand for Y/N to shake it. She did so shyly.

"Where'd you find this gem, Ronald?" Fred asked, beaming a handsome smile. Y/N blushed and looked away, unable to keep eye contact with the rather handsome boys.

"Oh, leave her alone," Ron complained. "She'll have a conniption from the likes of you two. Always fooling around and joking. She's a friend we made in Diagon Alley. It's her first year here. She's being transferred in."

"I'm very excited," Y/N managed.

"I wish we could've taken you with us to the big Quidditch game this year if it hadn't gone so terribly," Ginny said shyly. "I think it would've been a great way to introduce you to wizarding culture instead of just schooling." Y/N laughed and shrugged.

"Oh well, you win some and you lose some," she joked. Ginny sent her a reassuring smile.

"You look so familiar," George articulated, leaning down to examine Y/N's features more closely. She grew more nervous, hoping that he didn't make the connection.

"Well, I'm pretty standard when it comes to looks, so that could be why," she added, huffing a short laugh. George clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"See, that's definitely not it, because you're a looker," he said intently. Ron shoved him away.

"Enough with it!" he groaned. "She's not fresh meat." Y/N laughed as George shrugged mindlessly.

"I'm a weak man," he responded with a sigh.

"'Man,' he calls himself," Ron rolled his eyes.

"Alright, enough chit chat," Hermione interjected. "We best board the train." Y/N fell back in the group to walk alongside Harry, who gave her a small smile.

"Hello, Y/N," he greeted warmly. Her chest tightened at how kind he sounded. How homely. How akin to safety. She really needed him to realize he was her blood.

"Hi, Harry," she replied, letting out a deep breath of relief. "Did you fare well yesterday after shopping?" He nodded.

"And you?" he asked in kind. Y/N wished she could bottle up conversations like these and hold them close to her heart forever. Harry's kindness made her wonder if he was just like their father, or their mother. She wondered if she was like him, too.

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