11. dress shopping.

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"A Ball!" Hermione said excitedly. "Imagine how glamorous that'll be, I wonder what they'll do to the Great Hall!" Y/N groaned. The four of them sat in the library as they were preparing Harry in advance for the second task.

"More like my balls," Y/N remarked, irritated. Ron and Harry snorted. "I don't know what I'd even wear, I'm not a 'dance,' person. And if we're anything alike, then I know you aren't either, Harry!" Her brother made a face and nodded.

"Yeah," he drawled. "I don't know how I'll manage to not look a fool." Y/N threw her hands out as if to say "See!" and plopped her head back down on her arms.

"It won't be that bad!" Hermione tried desperately. "Just think of how many people will ask you to go with them." Y/N lifted her head and looked at Hermione like she had lost her mind.

"Are you serious," she said rather than asked. Hermione shrugged nervously. "People were blaming me for putting Harry's name into the Goblet, and you think any of them will ask me to go to the Ball with them?"

"You never know," Ron suggested. Y/N looked at him, unimpressed.

"Oh, I do know," she mumbled. "Plus, I don't even know what to wear!" Hermione kicked her feet happily.

"That's why we'll go shopping together!" she said excitedly. Y/N raised a brow.

"Shopping?" she asked. "But I have no money." Harry scoffed.

"Hagrid hasn't shown you?" he remarked. "Trust me, Y/N, our parents left us with a plenty of money." She cocked her head in confusion.

"And why have I not been told about this?" she asked. Harry flicked a small piece of paper at Ron's nose, who swatted at him and muttered curses.

"He probably just forgot," he told her. "Go talk to him." Y/N immediately pointed a finger at Hermione.

"Fine," she said astutely. "But it doesn't mean I'll enjoy the Ball!" Hermione nodded as she tried to hide her excited grin.

"Of course," she replied gently.


Y/N and Hermione had talked to Hagrid about her possible bank vault at Gringott's, to which he immediately jumped up from his table and began to usher them with him.

"I am so sorry!" he apologized profusely. "Got so caught up in everything else I forgot you may need some money. You're lucky it's a weekend, we can go make a trip!" Y/N and Hermione followed Hagrid to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Professor McGonagall?" he called as he slowly opened the door.

"Yes, come on in," she replied from her desk. She was grading papers and sipping on a small cup of tea. "Ah, Hagrid. Miss Potter, Miss Granger. They haven't caused you trouble, have they?" Hagrid laughed.

"These two?" he said, amused. "Oh, blimey, no. I just had forgotten that I owe Y/N the access to her vault at Gringott's, and with the Yule Ball coming up, I wanted to make sure she got what she wanted." Professor McGonagall gave a sweet smile.

"That is a wonderful idea," she replied. "I assume you're here to ask permission, yes?" Hagrid nodded. "Very well, but first: How have your studies been going, Miss Potter? Any struggle?" Y/N smiled confidently.

"Actually, I've been doing really well," she said happily. "Hermione has been tutoring me and all, and I'm able to cast spells, list ingredients of potions, and I'm all caught up in my classes enough to understand." Professor McGonagall clapped her hands together.

"Oh, that is splendid," she cheered. "I must see. Here, go over to that chest by the wall and unlock it!" Y/N walked over and pulled out her wand, excited to show a professor what she had been learning.

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