6. the goblet of fail.

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Y/N's first day had gone otherwise alright. She had held on for most of it. Mostly. Okay, she was stressing pretty bad. She had taken it to Hermione, who easily consoled her and told her it was no big deal and that they'd figure it all out in no time.

They sat in the Great Hall watching as students filtered in and out to put their names into the Goblet of Fire for the Tournament. Some interesting people had come in, at least, that's what Seamus had said. Y/N wasn't paying much attention because she was listening to Hermione teach her about Potions basics.

"I can easily show you some hands-on brewing," she continued. "Don't worry, we'll get this sorted out in a jiffy. Now! On to some Herbology." As Hermione began to sift through the slew of textbooks at her side, the doors to the Great Hall slung open and the Weasley twins practically galloped in.

"Lads, we've done it!" they shouted. The Gryffindors that were lounging inside cheered for them, along with some other members of other houses. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. They were always at something.

"What could they possibly have done?" Y/N asked curiously. Hermione shook her head.

"Something stupid," she grinned. "It's not going to work!" Y/N laughed at the sing-song tone in her voice. The twins meandered over, and George practically draped himself on her shoulder.

"Hello there, doll," he said in her ear. Y/N blushed and swatted at him. "Why's that, Granger?" Hermione tutted.

"See that there?" she pointed to the circle drawn around the Goblet. "That's an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself. And if you think your silly little potion will get across something he made, you've gone mad. Nothing gets past him." The twins looked completely unbothered.

"Well, that's why it's going to work," Fred said calmly. The twins stood and approached the Goblet.

"Yeah, because it's so dimwitted," George replied. They pulled small vials from their pockets.

"This," Y/N pointed at the two, "is going to be hilarious."

"Ready, Fred?" George asked.

"Ready, George!" Fred replied.

"Bottoms up!" They downed the vials and tossed them to the side. Y/N watched intently as the two took a deep breath, then stepped across the age line. Nothing happened.

"Yeah," they drawled, and some of the people in the Hall even clapped. The chokehold those twins had on some of the people at Hogwarts was truly baffling to Y/N.

The twins sauntered up to the Goblet and slipped pieces of parchment into the flame, which seemed to accept their slips. The twins high-fived and chorused a "Yes!"

Suddenly, the Goblet spat out blue flames and shot the twins backward out of the age line, their robes alight with the flickering flames. They hit the ground and sat up as everyone laughed.

The hair on their heads turned white and grew to the length of their shoulders, and they grew long matching beards.

"This is everything I could've hoped for!" Y/N guffawed as she clutched her stomach.

Fred and George shared furious looks.

"You said—!" Fred accused George.

"You said!" George tossed back.

They immediately tackled one another as the Great Hall burst into wild laughter.

"I told them it wouldn't work," Hermione remarked with a giggle. Y/N wiped a tear from her eye.

The twins tossed horrible curses and insults at one another as the students in the Hall gathered around them to egg them on. Hermione and Y/N didn't participate, they only shook their heads and attempted to continue their mock-lesson on Herbology.

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