13. the yule ball.

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Y/N was wracked with nerves. Of all the things they could've chosen to celebrate the victors and the Tournament, they chose a Ball? She was in her shared dorm with Hermione and the other Gryffindor girls she bunked with sitting at her vanity.

She stared at the dress hanging by her mirror and sighed. If anything went poorly on a night like this, it would surely tucker her out faster. She ran her hands over her face and rubbed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked worriedly. Y/N slumped back in her chair and her shoulders sagged.

"I'm worried I'm going to hate this," she explained in a grumble. "And if I get in a sour mood, it'll ruin the night I'm supposed to be sharing with Harry." Hermione approached and gently stroked Y/N's hair.

"You know," she lilted, "the more you worry over something, the more likely it is to actually happen. You're self-sabotaging." Y/N groaned loudly and Hermione giggled.

"But it's so hard not to," Y/N argued. "I'm not sure, I'll try to enjoy it. Anyway, is Viktor excited to escort you?" Hermione blushed and looked away. It really was sweet how Viktor went about courting her.

"He's actually very shy," Hermione explained. "When he sees me, all he really does is stare." Y/N wiggled her shoulders suggestively and Hermione shoved her lightly.

"I'm glad he's been so sweet to you," she said genuinely. Hermione smiled thankfully at her in the mirror and placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders.

"You don't feel odd about not having a date?" Hermione asked curiously. "I mean, even Harry and Ron got a date." Y/N shook her head with a knowing grin and picked at her fingers.

"Hermione, I really do prefer it this way," she assured her. "I don't know anyone here except for you guys, so it would just be awkward." Hermione nodded with a sigh.

"I just thought it would've been cute to have some sort of a double date," Hermione said as she squeezed Y/N's shoulder. Y/N smiled. "Never mind that, though. It's time to get ready." Hermione walked over to her own vanity, and Y/N picked up her creams and powders.

"Hey, Hermione?" she asked as she stared at the dress again. Her friend turned in her chair.

"Yes?" she replied kindly.

"Do you think I'll look stupid in it?" she asked. Hermione scoffed and shook her head.

"Absolutely not," she stated firmly. "You're going to look stunning. I bet some of the people there will regret not asking you." Y/N hid her smile as she looked down.

"Thanks," was all she could muster.

"No more doubts," Hermione chided. "Trust me, once you get ready, you'll wonder why you were worried in the first place." Y/N sent her a thankful smile and began to apply a face cream.

They sat in silence as they powdered their faces and brushed their hair, among other things. Y/N was extra careful with everything she applied to her face, wanting to ensure she didn't have room to embarrass herself with how she looked, much less anything else.

When the time came for her to put on her dress, she stood before it, completely ready to simply stare at it again.

Nope, she thought. No more doubts.

She gently and cautiously slipped into the dress, careful not to step on its long skirt.

"Can you button this please?" Y/N asked Hermione, who was taming her curls. Her friend turned and immediately gasped.

"Oh my god," she murmured as she covered her mouth.

"What?" Y/N asked, nearly frantic. "Is there a stain? Is it ripped?" Hermione swatted her hands and stood quickly.

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