14. the placement exam.

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It had been over a month since the Yule Ball, and Y/N was still in one of the most awkward positions of her life.

Boys were approaching her.

And asking her out.

It was very weird.

The first time it happened, she took it as a sweet compliment, the second a coincidence, and every time after that as an annoyance.

She was sitting in the library reading over a few more highlighted areas of her notes before her placement test, which was only in a couple hours.

"Hi," a male voice said almost shyly as they sat across from her. She didn't even bother to look up. Mainly because she was studying, but also because she was quite bothered by boys here recently.

"Hello," she responded as she flipped a page and began scanning the next section of her notes.

"What are you up to?" he asked again. She clenched her fist under the table, annoyed by the distraction.

"Studying," she replied coolly. "I have my placement exam soon." The boy nodded and fidgeted with his hands on the table. He didn't say anything else, and Y/N didn't appreciate random company, so she looked up. "Can I help you?" The boy smiled nervously.

"I'm really sorry," he tried. "I was hoping you wouldn't be too busy. I just wanted to let you know that I think you're rather pretty, and I wanted to know if you'd like to uh...maybe go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Y/N sighed and intertwined her fingers.

"Look, I think it's kind of you," she said, exhausted. "I'm very flattered, and you seem very sweet. But, I'm not interested in dating or anything like that. And I'm a very busy person. I'm sorry." The boy sat up straight and looked panicked.

"Oh, it doesn't have to be a date!" he said almost desperately. "I could just be a friend, and we could have a grand time, and I could even help you study and take the load off, I don't want to just—"

"That was her way of kindly asking you to leave," came another voice. Y/N looked over, startled, and saw Draco leaning against a bookshelf.

"What are you, her boyfriend, Malfoy?" the boy across from her asked irritably. Y/N's eyes widened.

"Don't be silly," he huffed a laugh as he pushed off the bookcase. "I'm just not a fan of desperate boys pestering women when they don't get the answer they want. Go." The boy angrily stood and pushed the chair in with a loud squeal against the floor, then stomped out of the library.

Y/N rubbed her eyes with her fingertips, then looked up at the Malfoy boy.

"Thanks," she told him with a sigh. "You didn't have to do that." He shrugged and took the boy's previous seat across from her as he stared at her notes.

"You have a big exam," he stated plainly. "Can't let some random idiot ruin your progress." Y/N snorted a laugh and began to read her notes again. "Is that the first time that's happened?"

"No," she said distastefully. "It's been going on for over a month." He scrunched his nose.

"The same pest?" he asked incredulously. She shook her head. "All different?" She nodded and groaned.

"They won't stop!" she complained. "It's pitiful that I show up in a nice dress and suddenly, boys want to court me!" Draco raised a brow.

"You've told them no, right?" he asked sternly. She gave him a look.

"Of course I did, what do you think I am?" she asked as she angrily turned another page. "A public restroom?" He scoffed and shook his head amusedly.

"Just making sure," he assured. "Don't want to give them further ideas." She looked at him curiously.

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