12. got a date?

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Harry and Ron had struggled immensely to find a date to the Yule Ball. Y/N found it terribly funny to watch. It was especially funny when Harry managed to look almost like a toddler learning to walk when he approached a group of females.

Y/N didn't care to ask anyone or have anyone ask her. She only wanted to go to support Harry and not be completely alone on the night of the dance, that was all.

Besides, she was more than confident that she could find ways to pass the time, like eating as many treats as she could from the tables and watching any potential couples' arguments.

The four of them sat in a mass class with Professor Snape for a Potions quiz. Rather than handing them all out at separate class periods, Professor Snape had elected to give them all at once so as to allow students more time for Yule Ball preparations.

Y/N was sure he only complied because Dumbledore insisted.

"This is mad!" Ron whispered to Harry. Y/N smirked, amused at their continual devastation over finding a date. "At this rate, we're the only ones in our year without dates!"

Professor Snape happened to be close by and whacked Ron upside the head for talking during a quiz.

"Well," Ron said after wincing in pain, "us and Neville." Y/N sent Ron a glare that he didn't see. She thought Neville was a dear.

"But then again," Harry said smugly, "he can take himself." Y/N nearly snapped her quill at her brother's sly remark. How dare he talk about Neville so lowly?

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone," Hermione corrected them in a dry tone. Y/N smiled proudly. Good on Neville.

"Awh," Ron groaned. "Now I'm really depressed." Y/N pinched Ron's arm, and he hissed in pain. "What was that for?" Y/N sneered at him.

"For being a snooty prat," she chided. She pointed angrily at Harry. "You, too!" The boys huffed a sigh and looked back down at their papers.

Fred tossed over a slip of parchment to Ron, wary of Professor Snape, and said nothing. Y/N leaned over his shoulder to read it.


Y/N rolled her eyes and rubbed at her temples. Boys were impossible.

Ron looked around, careful of Snape, then tossed the paper back over to Fred.

"Who are you going with, then?" he asked, upset. Fred smirked and crumpled up the paper, made sure Ron was watching, then tossed it at Angelina's head. Y/N's eyes widened.

She turned slowly, completely shocked at having parchment thrown at her. Honestly, if she were Y/N, she would've thrown it right back at him and told him to go eat it.

"Angelina," Fred whispered. He motioned to her, mock danced, then pointed to himself. Angelina nodded, and he proudly looked at Ron and winked.

Ron looked astonished. Y/N scoffed. Boys were simple. Simple and impossible and annoying.

"Hey, Hermione," Ron tried as he leaned in front of Y/N to see her, "you're a girl." Hermione sent him a sideways glance as she was writing.

"Oh, well spotted," she replied blandly.

Ron went to reply, but Professor Snape whacked both him and Harry in the heads with a notebook. Y/N covered her laughs with her hand.

"Come on," Ron pleaded. "It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad." Y/N and Hermione snapped their heads over at him and stared in astonishment.

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