10. ron's ballroom dance debut.

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Y/N was sitting in the Great Hall that morning eating breakfast with her friends. Thank goodness her, Harry, and Ron had all made up, because she had missed their breakfasts together. She was scarfing down some eggs as Hermione was informing her about the next section of spells she needed to know. It was coming closer to time for her to take her placement exam.

"How are you feeling about everything?" Hermione suddenly asked. Y/N smiled.

"Well, we've been at this for months now," she said through a mouthful of egg. "I think I'm doing pretty well." Hermione raised a brow.

"Okay, then," Hermione challenged. "Make my goblet float." Y/N smiled and pulled out her wand as she swallowed down her egg. She took a confident breath and pointed her wand at Hermione's goblet. "Don't spill any, either."

"Didn't plan on it," Y/N said with a grin. She cleared her throat. She placed her cheek on her fist lazily. "Wingardium Leviosa." The goblet began to float and she smirked to herself. She guided the goblet over to Seamus's while he wasn't looking and dumped some of Hermione's pumpkin juice into his own, then guided the goblet back over and placed it back gently.

Her friends applauded her gently and she smiled gratefully. She was very proud of how confident she had gotten in spells.

"Great!" Hermione cheered her on. "Now, beckon over Fred's pudding." Y/N laughed and pointed her wand over to Fred's plate.

"Accio pudding," she said. The pudding deftly floated over onto her plate and Fred scoffed.

"Oi!" he called. "I was gonna eat that!" She shrugged.

"Just practicing!" she replied. He nodded and waved her off, then went back to his conversation.

"You're doing great!" Harry commended her. Y/N beamed and felt very proud of what she had learned.

"Now," Hermione said as she placed her hands on the table. "Name the ingredients for a Forgetfulness Potion." Y/N smiled. She had been studying those like the no one's business.

"Two drops of Lethe River water," she listed, "two valerian sprigs, two measures of standard ingredient, and four mistletoe berries." Hermione applauded. "I told you, I've been studying incredibly hard."

"You'll be just fine," Ron said with his mouth stuffed full of food. "You know more than I do right now." Y/N knew it was because Ron simply didn't care enough. He wasn't dumb by any means. She knew dumb. He was capable of knowing more than she did, but he just didn't want to try.

The owls flew in and handed off the newspapers for the day, and Hermione made sure to grab one and tip the owl. Harry, Y/N, and Ron avoided it. Hermione read for a moment, then gasped.

"Look at this!" she said angrily as she tossed the newspaper about. "I can't believe it, she's done it again!" Y/N leaned closer and looked at the newspaper and saw the photo Rita Skeeter had taken of her, Hermione, and Harry in the tent. Fantastic.

"Pruny bitch," Y/N commented.

"'Miss Potter, Harry Potter's first year younger sister,'" Hermione began to read, and Y/N narrowed her eyes, "'is in shambles as she says her goodbyes to her elder brother. How would she take care of herself should he die? A poor helpless girl that cannot fend for herself prepares for heartbreak and eternal loneliness as she struggles with allowing herself to let go.'" Y/N slammed her goblet down.

"A first year?" she exclaimed. "I haven't been knocked down yet! And I am not helpless!" Hermione nodded furiously. She looked back at the paper and continued to read.

"'Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon Viktor Krum! No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest emotional blow,'" she finished, fuming. Y/N slammed her fists into the table repeatedly.

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