16. the second task.

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"'Come seek us where our voices sound,'" Harry repeated to himself for the millionth time as he butted his chin against another book. Y/N sat next to him, her chin in her hand as she blinked slowly at nothing in particular.

They were in the library looking for answers. Harry had relayed what he found in the bathroom, along with Moaning Myrtle's uncomfortable advancements on him. Y/N found it very weird.

"The Black Lake," Hermione interjected as Harry kept bouncing his jaw against the book before him. Y/N felt her eyes flutter from exhaustion. They had been at it for hours. "That's obvious."

"'An hour long you'll have to look,'" he skipped around, focusing on the most important phrases.

"Again, obvious," Hermione said again, "though I must admit, potentially problematic." Y/N let out a half-hearted huff of a laugh and plopped her face down onto the table.

"I think I just might die here," she whispered dramatically.

"'Potentially problematic?'" Harry repeated. "When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?"

"He's got a point," she mumbled tiredly. Hermione sat on the opposite side of him.

"Look, Harry," she tried urgently. Why was it that she sounded like she had so much more energy? Not fair. "We can do this. The four of us can figure it out." Ron had stayed silent, to the side the entire time. He was also exhausted.

He had piped in for maybe the first hour, then anything after that was radio silence from him. Y/N didn't blame him. She was sure she was going to die.

"Hate to break up this scholar session," Professor Moody said as he entered their space, "but Professor McGonagall would like to see you three in her office. Not you, Potter. Just your sister, Granger, and Weasley." Y/N lifted her head blearily and looked at the man, then Hermione in confusion.

"But sir," Hermione attempted firmly, "the second task is only hours away and—" Y/N didn't have much energy to argue, so she let Hermione do it for her as she eagerly nodded as much as her body would allow.

"Exactly," Moody interrupted. "Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go." Y/N and Hermione shared confused looks. "Now!" The three of them quickly rose and began to exit briskly. "Longbottom!"

Y/N and her two friends walked to McGonagall's office, her and Ron nearly stumbling around every step from pure exhaustion.

"Merlin," Ron bemoaned. "What could she possibly want at this hour?" Y/N groaned and tilted her head up to the ceiling.

"If all she does is send us to bed," Y/N griped, "I think I'll just tumble over in her floor instead." Hermione smiled amusedly and continued to walk, being their guide.

"I'm sure it's something of importance," Hermione assured them, "otherwise, she wouldn't even bother." Y/N shrugged and shared a look with Ron, who rubbed at his eyes.

They walked in silence, the only sound being Y/N and Ron's miserable foot shuffling on the stone floors.

Hermione reached the door and opened it for them, and Professor McGonagall was standing before the fireplace.

"Good evening, Professor," she greeted for them. "Professor Moody said you wanted to see us?" She turned and smiled in an apologetic way, which Y/N immediately didn't like.

"Ah, hello, dears," she said softly. "Oh, you're exhausted. Poor things. I do believe it's very kind of you to help Mr. Potter." Y/N made a muffled grunting noise and plopped down into a soft chair.

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