7. the champion selection.

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"Are you excited?" Hermione asked with a grin. "Your first year at Hogwarts and you get to witness the Triwizard Tournament and the Champion Selection!" Y/N smiled and fiddled with the sleeves of her robes.

"I am," she replied. "I wonder who the Goblet will pick?" Harry shrugged.

"Dunno, but I bet Krum's gonna be a shoe in," he said matter-of-factly. Ron tossed his arms up.

"Well of course he is!" he exclaimed. "He's Viktor bloody Krum!"

The four of them were headed to the Great Hall to witness the Champion Selection. Y/N had been hard at work studying, making sure she crammed as much as she could in each subject she had so she'd know enough.

"Wish we could toss Malfoy in it," Harry remarked. Ron laughed in agreement.

"Oh, I'd pay anything to see that, mate," he joked. Y/N and Hermione shared a look. It was true, but it would've been funnier if one of them had said it.

They pushed into the Great Hall along with the other students and gathered around as they waited for Dumbledore. The Hall was dimly illuminated in a glowing blue, and the lamps above were emitting a light orange fire.

Y/N loved everything about Hogwarts so far. It was so beautiful there. It always felt new.

As students roamed around, the clock struck.

"Sit down," Dumbledore gently ordered, "please." Everyone quietly sat and directed their attention to the Headmaster. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: the Champion Selection!" With a flick of his wrist, the gentle flames that hung from the lamps dimmed to a dull flicker.

He approached the Goblet with careful hands and gently caressed its sides as the blue flames inside licked at the air. He then slowly backed away and waited patiently, as if it were going to speak.

The flames abruptly turned red and spat out a slip of parchment directly into Dumbledore's hand, then instantly turned blue again.

Dumbledore carefully unwrapped the parchment and announced, "The Durmstrang Champion is: Viktor Krum!" Krum pumped his fist in victory, and the surrounding students hooted in excitement.

He walked forward and shook Dumbledore's hand, then walked to the front of the Hall as the flames in the Goblet turned red again.

Another slip of paper was expelled from it, which was much more elegant and frilly. Y/N suspected it was from the Beauxbatons girls.

Dumbledore plucked it from the air, unwrapped it, and said, "The champion from Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Y/N watched as a dashing blonde beamed and stood from her group of friends as she approached the Headmaster. She shook his hand and approached the front with Krum.

Another slip was thrown from the Goblet, which Dumbledore caught with ease. That slip would hold the Hogwarts champion inside. Y/N leaned forward in her seat.

"The Hogwarts champion," Dumbledore announced proudly, "Cedric Diggory!" Everyone cheered as a Hufflepuff boy Y/N hadn't seen before stood with a handsome smile and approached the Headmaster alike those before him.

He shook the Headmaster's hand and walked toward the front.

"I'm excited to watch," Y/N told Harry. Harry smiled as he clapped with the rest of the students.

"Me, too," he replied.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore cried with his arms spread wide. "We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history." Barty Crouch approached with a large item covered in burlap. "Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory: the Triwizard Cup!" He whirled and pointed as Barry Crouch revealed a magnificent glowing trophy shaped as a chalice.

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