Episode 4

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The morning light filtered weakly through the foggy windows of the small town diner where Catra worked. It was the same kind of morning as any other, except that today Catra was particularly drained. She yawned mightily, a testament to the sleepless night she had endured, not by choice but due to the incessant snoring of her new neighbor, Adora. As she wiped down the tabletops, her movements were slower than usual, each swipe of the rag laden with fatigue.

As she straightened up from cleaning one of the tables, Catra's co-worker, Lonnie, breezed in through the swinging doors of the kitchen. Her presence was always marked by a certain vibrancy, a contrast to the dull ache behind Catra's eyes this morning.

"Wow, someone didn't sleep well," Lonnie commented, her eyes twinkling with a mix of concern and mild amusement as she surveyed Catra's weary state.

Catra gave her a look that was flat and devoid of emotion, the best she could muster under the circumstances.

"Yeah, my new neighbor sucks. She snores like a freight train," she confessed, hoping her tone would ward off any further inquiry.

However, Lonnie's response was not one of sympathy, but rather an unexpected excitement as she clapped her hands together, her smile broadening.

"Ohoho! Is she cute?" she asked, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes.

The question caught Catra off guard, making her feel even more awkward.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" she retorted, trying to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters.

Lonnie's smile faded as she crossed her arms, her demeanor shifting slightly.

"Yes, and I love him. But I was just asking, damn..." she muttered, her eyebrows knitting together in a mild display of annoyance.

Attempting to redirect the conversation yet again, Catra used her hand to indicate a height much shorter than her own.

"Well, I don't know... She's really short, I guess."

"That's literally not what I asked..." Lonnie replied, her face arranging itself into a mask of exasperation.

The conversation stalled as Catra returned to her task, wiping the table with renewed vigor, hoping to signal that she was not interested in continuing the discussion. Lonnie, however, was not deterred and sighed deeply, resting her hands on her hips.

"Why don't you buy some earplugs then?"

Lonnie leaned forward, placing her hands on the table, bringing herself closer into Catra's space.

"I use them when my neighbor plays music really loud," she added, trying to be helpful.

Catra paused, scratching the back of her neck as she considered the suggestion.

"That might work—" she began, but Lonnie was quick to interject.

"Ooooor you could just talk to your neighbor!" Lonnie suggested enthusiastically, pointing and winking at Catra, her grin returning in full force.

Catra's response was a flat stare.

"Lonnie... Are you trying to piss me off?" she asked, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Lonnie laughed heartily, hands on hips.

"It was a joke! Calm down, you're so defensive!" she chided before turning to head back to the kitchen, leaving Catra to stew in her mixed feelings.

The day wore on, and afternoon arrived with Catra's shift coming to an end. She trudged up the stairs to her apartment, the plastic bag from the grocery store swaying slightly with each step, her other hand buried deep in her pocket. As she passed Adora's apartment, she hesitated, walking past it only to double back after a few seconds.

She stood in front of Adora's door, taking a deep breath before knocking. The door swung open, and there stood Adora, her smile wide and welcoming.

"Oh! Hello, neighbor!" she greeted, stepping closer to Catra.

"Can you give me my ball back?" Catra asked, her tone a mix of directness and underlying frustration.

"Your ball?" Adora echoed, a puzzled look crossing her face before she flapped her hand in realization. "Oh of course! I'll get it for you. Feel free to come in if you like."

Catra lingered at the threshold, debating internally. She remembered Lonnie's earlier suggestion about talking to her neighbor and swiped away the thought angrily. Yet, after a moment's hesitation, she stepped inside Adora's apartment, the decision marking the beginning of what could either be a solution or a further complication in her life.

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