Episode 11

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Catra, with her striking hair and intense eyes, was on a mission. Book clutched tightly to her chest, she moved through the corridors with a purpose that set her apart from the meandering groups of chatting students. Each stride she took was sure and swift, signaling her urgency to the curious onlookers who turned their heads as she passed by.

The school board, cluttered with colorful posters about upcoming events and recent achievements, barely caught her eye as she sped past. The flutter of papers seemed to whisper in the draft of her passing, but her thoughts were laser-focused: "I'm pretty sure she headed in this direction... And she was wearing pink."

Catra's search led her to a cozy alcove off the main hallway—a small resting area designed for relaxation and quiet chat. Inside, the muted sounds of conversation mingled with the gentle clinking of juice glasses. Two students lounged on the couches, engrossed in their own world. A quick glance confirmed that Adora was not among them. With a flicker of frustration, Catra moved on, her presence barely registering to the chatting students.

Her search continued, her eyes scanning the sea of faces in other corridors. Everywhere students were deep in conversation or hurrying to their next class, oblivious to the drama unfolding in their midst. Despite her efforts, Adora was nowhere to be found.

With a mix of hope and exasperation, Catra turned toward the library. Pushing open the heavy door, a hush enveloped her, the familiar scent of books and the soft rustle of pages turning greeted her. There, in the semi-secluded quiet of the library, stood Adora. She was just a few aisles away, her back to Catra, deeply engrossed in flipping through a book.

Catra's heart leaped. Silently, she slipped behind a nearby shelf, her eyes peeking over a row of books. She watched as Adora carefully replaced the book she had been examining and moved on to another section. The certainty surged within Catra; it was definitely Adora—her posture, her hair, the way she tilted her head when focusing.

Catra's gaze followed Adora to a particular shelf where her attention was caught by a book placed frustratingly out of reach. 'The art of superfish' it was called. Adora stared up at it, eyes gleaming with the challenge.

She muttered to herself with a mix of awe and frustration, "No way!"

Rolling up her sleeves with resolve, Adora stretched toward the book. She rose onto her tiptoes, her fingers grazing just the edge of the desired volume. Her body stretched taut, every muscle strained toward the book. She wobbled slightly, determination etched across her features.

From her hidden vantage, Catra watched, a smirk playing on her lips at Adora's predicament. She saw the struggle, the determination, and the slight sheen of sweat on Adora's brow from her efforts.

Just as Catra made up her mind to step in, another figure approached Adora. A taller student, noticing her struggle, reached up effortlessly and handed her the book. Catra, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment, quickly retreated back to her hiding spot.

The student's voice was friendly but teasing, breaking the quiet tension that had built around the scene.

"So this is where you were, Adora."

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