Episode 10

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The first light of dawn had already begun to paint the campus of Grayskull University in hues of soft peach and golden yellow when the bustle of early morning students brought the serene grounds to life. Tucked amidst sprawling oaks and venerable brick buildings, the main entrance bore a freshly painted sign, 'Welcome back, students'. Beneath it, the energy of a new semester palpably charged the air with a blend of enthusiasm and reluctance.

Inside one of the stately lecture halls, Catra found herself trapped in the drudgery of an exceedingly dull lecture. The room was filled with rows of wooden desks, each occupied by a student variously engaged—some scribbling notes, others surreptitiously checking their phones. The walls were lined with large windows that let in the morning light and provided a perfect distraction for those uninterested in the day's topic. Catra was one of those students.

Seated towards the back, she wore a nondescript black, long-sleeved T-shirt that matched her mood—dark and unenthused. She tapped her pen against her notebook rhythmically, her gaze fixed outside the window. Her posture was one of utter boredom: chin resting in her hand, elbow propped on the table, eyes distant. The scene outside offered little in terms of excitement, but it was still preferable to the monotone lecture.

Suddenly, a repetitive tapping sound caught her attention. It was rhythmic, urgent—a sound of someone running, their shoe hitting the ground hard. Catra's eyes shifted from the window to the source of the noise, her eyebrows arching in curiosity.

Through the entrance area bounded a figure, unmistakably Adora. She was a stark contrast to the morning's lethargy, dressed entirely in baby pink, exuding an almost radiant glow. Her attire was sporty: a long-sleeved T-shirt paired with shorts and sneakers, the socks pulled high. Her backpack bounced against her as she ran, her face lit up with a broad, infectious smile.

Catra's reaction was visceral. She surged up from her seat, hands slamming down on the desk with such force that her pen launched into the air. Her expression morphed from surprise to irritation and then to a nervous tension.

The loud slap of her palms echoed through the quiet classroom, drawing the attention of the teacher who, remarkably, seemed unfazed by the abrupt disruption.

"Did you have a question?" the teacher asked, his tone even, betraying no sign of annoyance.

Realizing the spectacle she had unwittingly created, Catra glanced around at her classmates—all eyes were on her. With a flush of embarrassment, she sank back into her seat.

"No," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Right then, that's all for today. Remember to go over your readings," the teacher concluded, wrapping up the lecture.

The students began to file out, the buzz of released energy filling the room. Catra, however, lingered, her movements slow, her mind racing. "It's too much of a coincidence that she's here too," she thought, her hand absently slipping into her pocket. The possibility niggled at her—a bizarre, unsettling chance that perhaps she had imagined Adora's presence.

The thought irked her immensely, stirring a mix of frustration and confusion within. "Somehow that thought pisses me off..." she mused, her brows knitting together in irritation.

But then, a spark of determination ignited within her. She couldn't leave this matter unresolved; the uncertainty was unbearable. "There's no choice. I have to confirm she's actually here," she resolved, her thoughts solidifying into action.

With a newfound resolve, she clenched her fist, her gaze set firmly ahead. "I have to find her," she vowed silently, stepping out of the classroom with a purpose that belied her earlier disinterest. The hunt for Adora was on, and nothing could distract Catra now. Her semester, it seemed, had just taken an unexpected turn.

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