Episode 19

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Bow leaned back into his seat, resuming his casual posture with one leg crossed over the other. He rested his elbow on the table and closed his eyes, smiling contentedly. Adora, meanwhile, raised a hand to her mouth, a huge smile lighting up her face in response to Bow's attentiveness. Catra, sitting next to her, closed her laptop and leaned slightly forward, her face a mask of neutrality despite the turmoil of thoughts racing through her mind.

"Oh, thanks!" Adora chirped, her gratitude evident.

Catra, though maintaining a stoic expression, was internally flabbergasted. "They are definitely dating..." she thought, the realization sinking in despite her outward calm.

Adora glanced at her phone, her smile fading into an expression of mild regret.

"Ah, I have another class now. I should get going. Do you have any more classes today?" she asked, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Bow, ever the smooth operator, winked at Adora.

"Nah, I'm free to get the hell out of here," he said, his smile easy and confident.

Adora then turned her bright smile to Catra.

"What about you, Catra? Do you have any more classes?" she asked.

Catra met Adora's gaze, her face still flat and expressionless.

"No," she replied simply.

As time passed, Catra found herself walking home alone. Her laptop bag hung at her side, and she walked with her hands stuffed into her pockets. Her head was bowed, eyes closed as she moved, lost in her thoughts. A huge yawn escaped her lips, and she wiped away the small tears that gathered at the corners of her eyes. "Finally, I can go home," she thought with a sense of relief.

As she continued down the street, her thoughts drifted back to the awkward lunch in the canteen. "That was probably one of the most awkward interactions I've had," she reflected, shaking her head slightly at the memory.

Her mind lingered on Bow, recalling his behavior with a mix of confusion and annoyance. "That guy just sat there, acting strange," she mused, unable to figure out his intentions or demeanor.

Then, her thoughts shifted to Adora. That ever-bright smile, the way she seemed to radiate positivity and energy—it was almost overwhelming. "And that blondie..." Catra thought, picturing Adora's sunny presence. Even in her mind's eye, Adora's brightness was too much to handle. Catra raised her arm as if to block out the imagined glare, letting out a small groan of exasperation.

Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a scene unfolding in the distance. Bow was standing with a girl, and as Catra watched, they shared a long kiss. She stopped in her tracks, staring at them. "Isn't that... Bow?" she thought, a mix of surprise and confusion coursing through her.

Her thoughts raced as she processed what she was seeing. Bow, who had been so attentive to Adora just moments ago, was now with someone else. The image of him kissing the girl contrasted sharply with the memory of him wiping food from Adora's mouth. Catra's mind struggled to reconcile the two scenes, the realization adding another layer to the day's already tangled emotions.

The encounter left her with more questions than answers. What was Bow's relationship with Adora if he was openly kissing another girl? And why did any of this matter so much to her? The answers eluded her, leaving her to ponder the complexities of her interactions and feelings.

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