Episode 23

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The air was heavy with the unresolved tension from the park. Catra left the park and trudged up the stairs to her apartment. Her hands were buried deep in her pockets, her steps slow and heavy. Her expression was one of irritation, her mind a whirlpool of frustration and regret. "Why did I inject myself into that mess? Just let it go," she thought, the words echoing like a mantra in her head.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Catra noticed Adora standing in front of her apartment, just closing her door. Adora's face lit up with her usual huge smile when she saw Catra.

"Oh, hey!" Adora greeted cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Welcome back!"

Adora turned her body towards Catra, pointing behind herself with an animated gesture, still smiling brightly.

"I was just heading out."

Catra kept her head down, walking towards her own apartment door without really acknowledging Adora, her hands still shoved in her pockets. The weight of the night clung to her, making every step feel like an effort. But Adora followed her, continuing to talk, her hands moving expressively as she spoke.

"Bow is taking me to this place to get dessert. It's kinda late, but he really wanted to," Adora said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Catra inserted her key into the lock, her eyes closing in irritation. The last thing she needed was more chatter about Bow, especially now.

"You know, we should all go out sometime," Adora continued, her tone hopeful and inclusive.

Catra's irritation deepened as Adora kept talking, her voice persistent and cheerful.

"We could go get something to eat or maybe see a movie? Or maybe both?"

Catra could feel the pressure building, the words grating against her raw nerves.

"Whatever you feel like doing—" Adora started to say, but Catra had reached her limit.

Turning her head sharply, Catra snapped at Adora, her sharp canine teeth flashing in the dim light.


The moment the words left Catra's mouth, she felt a pang of regret. Her eyes widened in shock at her own outburst. Adora looked like she had just seen a ghost, her face pale, her eyes wide with fear.

She barely whispered, "...I'm sorry..." before rushing away, her steps quick and unsteady.

Catra watched, her arm half-raised as if to stop her, but no words came out. Adora disappeared down the stairs, leaving Catra standing alone, her heart pounding with the echoes of her own harsh words. Gritting her teeth, Catra turned and entered her apartment, slamming the door behind her with a force that rattled the walls. She leaned against it, fisting her hands in frustration.

"Goddammit, why did I say that?! I'm such a stupid moron! This is why nobody likes you!" she shouted at herself, her voice echoing in the small space. She then paused, her eyes widening as a realization struck her.

"No... This is what you wanted. To be left alone. This is... what I wanted...?" she questioned herself, the words barely a whisper. Her stomach growled loudly, breaking the silence. She looked down at it, her irritation and anger flaring again.

"Ugh! Shut up!"

She stormed into the kitchen, her movements sharp and angry. She grabbed the handle of the shelf and yanked it open, her eyes scanning for something to eat. She pulled out a cup of noodles and slammed it onto the counter with unnecessary force. Still fuming, she hit the kettle, almost breaking the handle, then slammed both of her hands onto the counter, leaning over it, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

As she stood there, panting and exhausted, her eyes fell on the still-open shelf. Inside, she noticed the box of cookies that Adora had given her. She reached up and lifted the box down, placing it gently onto the counter. Opening the top, she found the cookies, each one a little gloomy face that mirrored her own current mood.

She picked one up and took a bite, the taste bittersweet in her mouth. The kettle began to whistle, but she ignored it, hunched over the counter, the cookie still in her hand. She kept eating them, one after another, the act of eating a small comfort amidst her turmoil. The sound of the kettle faded into the background as she focused on the cookies, each bite a brief respite from the chaos of her thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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