Episode 14

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Catra sat on the cold, hard floor of her apartment, her heart gradually slowing to its normal rhythm after the surreal experience of the dream. She adjusted her glasses with a shaky hand, the echo of Adora's bright smile still etched behind her eyelids.

"That was weird..." she murmured to herself, the words dissipating into the quiet of her dimly lit living space.

Glancing at the wall clock that ticked quietly, she noticed the time. "Shit, it's late," she thought, a sudden urgency overtaking her languid movements. The night had slipped away while she wrestled with her thoughts and dreams, leaving her with the mundane yet necessary task of dealing with the garbage.

She removed her glasses, rubbing the bridge of her nose before her gaze fell upon the black trash bag lying forlornly next to the box that concealed the hole in her wall. "I forgot to put the rubbish out for collection," she realized with a sigh.

With a sense of purpose, she grabbed the bag by its neck and stepped out into the slightly cooler hallway of her apartment building. The trash bag made a soft rustling sound as she placed it down carefully by the wall next to her door. Her actions were mechanical, her mind still half-lost in the remnants of her dream.

As she straightened up, a sound caught her attention, pulling her from her reverie. She turned her head and froze. The sight that greeted her seemed to suck the air right out of her lungs. It was Adora and Bow, locked in a warm embrace just a few feet away. Bow was notably taller, his hands resting comfortably on Adora's shoulders, while she had her arms wrapped around his waist. Both were smiling, their expressions ones of pure contentment.

Catra felt a pang of something she couldn't quite identify as she watched them. "Maybe if I move slow, they won't see me—" she thought, inching backwards slightly.

But it was too late; Adora had already spotted her. As Bow released her, Adora's initially puzzled look transformed into one of unbridled joy.

"Catra? You're still awake?" Adora's voice broke through the quiet corridor, filled with genuine surprise and delight.

Bow, still smiling, began to stroke Adora's hair affectionately while casually slipping his other hand into his trouser pocket. Adora leaned into his touch, closing her eyes briefly and raising her hand to touch his elbow.

"I'm gonna head off now, Adora. 'Night," Bow announced, his voice carrying a warm, friendly tone.

"Goodnight!" Adora replied, her voice carrying a cheerful lilt.

Bow then turned to Catra, still beaming. He gestured towards his face with a casual salute.

"Seeya, Catra."

Catra watched him, her arms crossed, her face a mask of stern disapproval as she said nothing in return. Bow's departure was marked by the soft thudding of his steps descending the stairs.

Adora, now alone with Catra, approached with a slightly anxious expression.

"I really hope I didn't wake you..." she said, her voice tinged with concern.

They stood there, outside their apartments, the night quiet around them. Adora's trash bag was propped against her open door to keep it from shutting. Catra maintained her guarded stance, arms still firmly crossed.

"Um, by the way," Adora began again, hesitating as she scratched the back of her neck, a clear sign of her discomfort. "Did you like the new batch of cookies I made?"

Catra's face remained impassive, unreadable.

"I haven't tried them yet," she responded flatly.

Adora's hands fluttered nervously in front of her.

"Oh no rush!" she hurried to add, her voice rising slightly in her awkwardness. "I was just wondering, no pressure though!"

She lingered for a moment, her hand on the door frame.

"Well, goodnight then, Catra. Sleep well," Adora said finally, her smile returning as she waved goodbye and retreated into her apartment, the door closing softly behind her.

Catra stood motionless, staring at the closed door, her expression one of indifference. Her hands found the pockets of her jeans as she turned away, only to be startled by the sound of a car beeping to life. Quickly, she walked to the edge of the floor and peered down to the street below.

There, she saw Bow approaching a sleek, modern car that seemed to gleam even under the sparse streetlights.

"Of course he has a car like that..." Catra muttered under her breath, her voice laced with a mix of disdain and resignation as she watched him drive away, her gaze sharp and critical. The night resumed its silent vigil, leaving Catra alone with her thoughts, the cool air whispering around her as she reluctantly turned back towards her own door.

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